
Marivhon knows something about that.

In 325 AD Constantine called the first Council of Nicea to resolve controversy and establish Christian orthodoxy. The Council established the Unity of the Holy Trinity, the date of Christmas and the date of Easter. Constantine built the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, one of the oldest continually operating churches in the world. Also in 325 he declared December 25th to be an Immovable Feast for the whole Roman Empire. The bishop of Rome may have accepted December 25th as the date of birth of Jesus Christ as early as 320 AD, but careful analysis by Catholic scholarship can only establish that it was some time before 354 AD.

Sorry just bored waiting for Ed to Post.

UA spells

Chromatic Orb is an Illusionist spell. The only new mage spells worth a damn are Contingency and Yawn, a cantrip that augments the sleep spell (you can get Ogre Mages with Sleep if you Yawn 'em first). Oh, and Stoneskin, which is horribly, horribly broken.

Actually, outside of the Illusionist spells, there's not all that much in there spell-wise. Aid, Withdraw, and Rainbow for Clerics.

I'm sure we can find a 1E or 1E+UA spell listing somewhere out there online. If I wasn't on frickin dial-up, I'd try to find it now.


1st level mages

Well, in Unearthed there are quite a few spells that would help out out young mage. Chromatic orb starts ok....with a roll to hit if I remember but it keeps getting petter to the point of save or die eventually, not bad. I think there's some other stuff in there too. It also has, I think, a lot about cantirips. A whole plethora of fair and usefull additions were made in that fine expansion. May you could check out Marks copy before you leave MI Chris.

Merry Birth of Christ.

Did y'know that December 25th was chosen as Jesus' B-day in something like 345 AD? -I think that was after he died.

Anyway, hope it was Merry for all.

Looking forward to San Fran with the DM and Dave FoO this weekend.

Cedar Point is ON in May. Rob, you should think about visiting Kristen then.

To the playahs: Hey after these Ninjas, let's rest a few, and then take on the lowest spellbook guy. That's statue VIII. Renwick needs some spells or something to make him more useful. -His Burning Hands spell does 1hp, no save.


pie isn't so hard.

I think you can and should do something. I swore that if I was ever interviewed on the news about something inane like the weather or shopping or something I would swear a lot and berate the interviewer. That's just what I would do, say in there how to work off the Christmas pounds segment or something. Well I had good pie, I don't know how it turned out ok, lamb saag, linguinie provencal, cookies and a lot to drink. All in all a good day. Hope you have had one too. All of you. I will be in MI in late May to go to Cedar Point, hopefully with all of you. Good luck. P.S. my cat had a bad Christamas all he got was dirty then he got a bath.


Wizard Armor

Chris, it lasts until disspelled, or until it takes 8 hp 1 per level of caster. It gives you and AC:8 until you take 9 hp of damage.

However, if you take 9hp of damage, I think that you have bigger things to worry about.


Skeletor is intrinsically funny

Don't know if you guys read Penny Arcade, but one of the comics from last week reminded me of DiD, Vrill's sort of shit in particular.


I've got twice as much cheese!

Yeah actually, UA, our favorite reference book has rules for two weapons. However, it specifies that that weapon has to be a dagger or an axe if I remember correctly. I'll check it when I get home for the speciifics. I do recall that the unmodified penalty is -2/-4 for each hand.

Hey, BTW, that was some good Poetry there, Rob.

Multiple-armed foes are basically the worst

So I still don't know where 1E lets you be ambidextrous and attack with off-hand weapons. Page numbers, yo. Page numbers and citation. If that flies though, yeah, sure you can backstab with it. Just don't be surprised when a Type V demon thief backstabs the HELL out of you.



Hmm, Renwick, looks like you now have 15 DX, 15 CN, but a 10 IQ. Which is fine if that's what you want, but it means you don't get any bonus spells, and can't cast spells after 2nd circle. An unusual career move. Might wanna move that 10 back to DX and 15 to IQ there, but up to you.

In any case, right, we're following cleric spells and WI, so a 15 IQ would give you two bonus 1st, and a bonus 2nd at 3rd level. If you look at the IQ table in the beginning of 1E PH, you'll see the number of languages for IQ, this number includes NWPs. So if 15 IQ gives you 4 (which I think it does), you'd start with Common for free, plus a total of 4 languages/NWPs. For instance, you could take Orcish, Spanish, Knitting, and Dancing, if that was your thing.

A small confession

Er, well, I was giving the NPC mages IQ bonuses for spells. It's a 1E hack we used all the time. So go ahead.


DEX bonus

Yeah, 16 DX gives -2 AC and +1 to init and missile weapons. 15 DX is -1 AC and +0 init/missiles. So it's like a +1 all around. Plus, thieving ability bonuses. Merry Christmas.

Unearthed Arcana can bite me

This is the same book that gave us the mancatcher, saps, Withdraw, rolling 9d6 for your prime attribute, drow elves, and caveliers. So much crap therein. I think they Unearthed this Arcana from the compost heap behind "Zeb" Cook's outhouse.

Regardless, well guess who has a 15 CN and 3 hp now? So case settled either way. Look at how that worked out.

Gary says...

Hey, Chris and Rob, my Unearthed Arcana says that a Magic-User should start with at least 3hp.

He also says some crap about Comeliness, so I am not sure if we care. It's up to Rob.


No problem, it's a better idea. While you're revising your character sheet there killer, you should change 'Dispel Magic' to 'Detect Magic'. You ain't castin no third circles yet.



Chris, you can go to www.didreference.blogspot.com for some 1st Edition info. I have a PH, so I will put some Magic-User stuff up for you: Spell lists, Saves, THAC0, etc...

However, with 2 hit points, I think that if you are rolling dice, you are probably already dead.

Good luck!


A Mage!

I just sent Chris his invites. This is great.

C F Godfrey

I sent an email to Rob and Mark with Chris' email address - so we'll have a mage in the party. Woo-hoo! Of course, first level mages, umm . . . well, they're not so good with the clobbering, and they are especially bad at the being clobbered.

But still!

I'm going out of town for the weekend, but in getting Chris set up, maybe we won't start a new adventure for a few days. The holidays are making things weird, too - but I won't post again until . . . . maybe Monday, maybe Wednesday, somewhere in there. And then to Cali for 10 days, during part of which 2/5 of the party is going to be BUYING THE DUNGEONMASTER DRINKS. Not to be fessing or anything, but I expect to turn money into alcohol into xp.



Google Video titled:Old Lady Pwnz Mercedes Guy



Le Parkour

Yeah yeah, Blogmaster... That's a pretty funny joke coming from a Dungeonmaster.

God, I searched "Le Parkour" on Google Video, that is some crazy stuff. Have a look.

+1 PC

Hot damn! Yeah, now would be the perfect time for Chris to join. Give Marivhon some company complaining about being too low level "oh I'm first level why are we fighting Orcus this is the $uxx0r".

Make sure Chris has access to Table Talk and all those other pages too, please.

Just so you guys know, it is holiday season, not to mention the whole job search craziness thing I got going on, so DM posting may be somewhat erratic. Bear with me here.

Mark is the "Blogmaster." (Snicker)

A new party member.

That's very cool. Paul and Dave, tell Chris not to be a Cleric or a Thief, eh?

I think that we have gotten into a pretty good groove, but I am sure that another member is going to shake things up a bit. With five players posting, I think that we are going to have to try to limit combat errata as much as possible to avoid confusion.

For example: Even though I wanted to play the magical harpsicord before the party rushed into the Salamander's kitchen and attacked, I'll just put it off as four people have already posted.

You know what I mean.

Hey, maybe he will be a Hobbit!

Dave, email me his email address. I'll hook him up.

Allow me to present: Mr. Christopher Godfrey

Hey all,

So Chris has some sort of internet access now, and just finished finals. He wants to know what he needs to do to join our merry band. I suggested contacting Rob and Mark - as the DM, and blogmaster - and 'webmaster' sounds all right, but 'blogmaster' sounds kinda off, doesn't it?

Anyway. I don't know his email address, but I'll get it tomorrow.


Please Don't Forget

"don't forget to wear underwear hulk hogan"

The latest search phrase that sent them to us.

View Stats

Rob - to view the stats, go to the DiD main page, with the castle on top, and down below the blogroller is a box 'bf mapstats'. Click on one of the date ranges for 'see statistics for', below the bar graph. On THAT page, below the bar graph, the second bit down is 'search phr', and there's a link to see the complete list of search phrases that bring people to our humble site.

Hey Mark

How do you find out what people were searching for, to bring them here?


Et in Arcadia ego...

Yeah, but check out the Potion Guild blog. Even in death, Vrill is a bitch.

This lovely night...

Hey, that was cool. I am a bit sad that Gregory Vrill is now dead, but I am excited about this new module.

With the MoP, the Knights of Armek, the death of the AntiBrogg, and The Church of Grisbane churning out Owlbears, things are bound to be interesting. Let's get trained. Lil' Marivhon could really use it.

But, do you know what is really great? Someone found DiD by searching for "this lovely night teddy ruxpin" on MSN. That's so fucking funny.


Marivhon goes back to the gift shop....then has a smoke.

my bet is when the guards start showing up Ed kills Vrill, cuts down Mike and runs off....with his running skill and thief abilities. But....hey maybe we just wait forever......Like some weird play..



Yeah Marivhon, I hear you. So we wait. Then again, you guys totally had your shot at killing Vrill...

For future notice, it's fine if you post and say things like "Whoa, hold on, Cinder is a giant roc, so I'm going to use my monk tumbling skills and jump on him, getting a lift back to Shady Orchards. I then snap Vrill's neck as soon as we land." Everyone's done some timeline revisioning, it's the way it has to be and the way it should be. Too late now though.


Mike the zombie, continued

Well, it's probably the safe bet that Mike Naylor has no idea what is going on here in the blog. I think he's aware that his character was turned into a zombie, but Mike the player hasn't been active since about day five or so. He did some stuff in the first two rooms of the very first dungeon, but wasn't playing by the time the PCs got back to Grito, much less when Mike the Thief became Mike the zombie. So Mike's input here is about as useful as, e.g., mom's.

If Mike would like to resume active control, I have no qualms with that of course, it'd be great. But I'm guessing that's a negative too. So MZ1K will continue to be an NPC.

Mike the Zombie 1k

Maybe we should email Mike Naylor and see if he's got something to say about Vrill. Unless you want to chime in and just speak for MTZ1K, Rob.


All those eagle pictures are cracking me up. The last one is the best so far.


My talons are tied.

Sort of sucks that I am an eagle at this point.


Dissent in the Depths.

Yeah, I agree with Dave.

Dave, Fist of Odin

Whoa there - I have a lot of fun with DiD because it's light, and goofy, and I don't have to worry about movement rates or any of that shit. If we're going to start doing that stuff this will get significantly less fun, I think. I mean, it's a blog here about a fantasy game. My character got his god chosen for him with a freaking dice roll. When shit goes down, we whack people with sharpened or blunted metal objects and come up with cheesy raps. I like that the system's broken, that we don't care about initiative, etc. One of the things I don't like is when I'm got too much to do at school I get chided for not posting every day - and if we're going to start worrying about realism in the combats more it's going to start sucking more, I think.

My $0.02.

Descent into Depths: Table Talk

Rob you know the reason we went after Vrill. He has his own website and issued us a restraining order. You show players a fire and they'll put their hands in it. Why did Marivhon go...he has a 6 wis, and he's following the Champion of Grisbane, the FoO and Cinder the Thief. Plus they had a cool Zombie guy and a floating head. What PC wouldn't sign up with them. you can read my response to your post for further comments.

A modest reply

Okay, I hear you. Of course, it wouldn't be gaming, particularly in my world, if there wasn't some player-GM friction, especially as concerns lack of magic items and such for the PCs.

That aside, Mark and Paul raise good points: Vrill is higher level, and Marivhon is lower level. I'll partially disagree with the storylined combats. I'll concede the point that Vrill may have gotten off one extra round, or a surprise round, of casting. As I mentioned, I've never made any PC make casting checks, as there's no great way to resolve initiative in gaming-by-blog, as we've seen. I could ask everyone to roll initiative each round, and announce their action that round, with the stipulation that if you forget to roll init, you go last, in order of DX for multiple 'lasts'. Having to make casting checks is one of those rules that punishes the PCs more than the NPCs, which is another reason I haven't been using it; last minute Cures save lives, and interrupting that sort of thing is just awful.

Frankly, I try not to storyline anything. For instance, Vrill might escape here, or maybe not, depends on you guys. That said, if you look back on the specific structure of the combat, is anyone really that surprised with what happened? How long have we all been gaming? Speaking of which, since we're putting cards on the table, let me offer two things in defense: 1) PC strategy is abysmal, generally amounting to 'roll to hit'. The combat in the Grito jail is one nice exception. For instance, why haven't healing potions been used? You know Magic Missiles are forthcoming, and do a lot of damage. And that's just a minor thing.

But that's nitpicking. More serious is: 2) players have more control over the game than they appear to believe. For instance, if Marivhon being level 2, and going up against a level 7+ wizard is so shocking... why did you? I storylined you to Grito, but not into direct combat with Vrill. He's been there a year; it may have been possible to split and go to Durth to train for a couple months, then come back. AntiMarivhon saw you; you might have been able to kill him before he reported back, if you were worried about that. Failing that, you have a lot of magic items you have no idea how to use or what they do. Why didn't you evenly distribute these things? Why does Marivhon only have a ninja star? There are at least two wands somewhere in the party's possession that would have been very useful during this combat. Couldn't the items be spread throughout the party, and a quick ID, perhaps even from Stanislaus, might really help. Or get stuff ID'd in Durth first, buy more potions of healing, etc. Not to mention that the PCs avoided someplace they were told would have good gear, before heading to Greyhelm in the first place, and went right for Vrill. At no time did anyone have to accept '1) we're bugbears, and 2) we attack Vrill, and 3) we do this now' as the game plan. But there's rarely a post that says 'hey wait a minute, that's not what I want to do guys, let's do X instead of Y', so anytime anyone posts anything, I tend to run with that just to move the game along.

In fact, even back before entering the mirror world, you knew Vrill was high enough level to cast Fireball, and yet 2nd level Marivhon went along with it. Why weren't cries raised of- guys, Marivhon needs at least one more level, please, before we do this? Potions of protection against fire could have been obtained. Etc, etc. Ample warning.

I forgot the monk 'reduced surprise chance' thing. But we're too deep into the combat to revise things now. Honestly, I had Vrill show up and declare casting, without rolling damage yet, to give PCs a moment to react, take cover, etc. That would have been the time to say 'hey, I'm a monk, I'm not easily surprised, can I get one action before this all happens?'

Finally, I don't have a copy of either 1E Players or the DMG. Can I get citations with page numbers for interrupting casting and two weapon fighting? Training time and costs are, however, in the DMG. I think it's something like 1000 gps per level. I like the way we're doing it now, because special training offers something that I think enhances the flavor of DiD here- the non-weapon proficiencies, like 'singing' or 'man of the people'. There's no other mechanic for introducing these skills to PCs. However, if a quorum of you want it changed, I'll change it, and make training instantaneous: that's 3 of you with a 'yea', including Mark's vote. You'll have to keep track of your own xp from then on, though, and I'll post updates after each encounter.


It is true. Vrill really kicks ass, and Marivhon does really suck.

I do agree, that if we are 1st Edition, we should get rid of the training thing. It's a drag. I don't mind losing the special training.

The storyline combats don't bother me, however. I mean, c'mon it's a freaking blog.


Descent into Depths: Table Talk

Now I am really pissed. my post didn't go and it was very, very long.
To sum it up. Vrill is 7th level or at least can Dimension Door which is the same thing. I can't even train. Mages by 1st edition can't cast if they are hit, but rules have been changed, like my character is allowed to suck. He walked into our room and Anti dave came with him and that same round he fireballed us. We shouldn't have been that easily surprised, it's one of the things monks have going for them.

I just don't think the Magic Hand of the DM should be seen and if it is it shouldn't be flipping me off. I'm second level and my fancy item is a ninja star. I should be watching the horses. Sure I have 8000 exp in the bank, but I get the feeling I can't spend it till Vrill is dead. I just had a save or die roll and now he's running off. I stood before the GMF and had to walk away. grr. Just not a lot to smile about for me in DiD. Sure it's fun to read...but it hasn't been so great to play as of late.

Thinking Marivhon Is The Angriest Badger

Hey, if you've got something to say, say it. We're all adults at this table. I mean website, all adults at the website.

That sounds bad, but you know what I mean.

I think things have been very fair. You can always opt to fail a save too.

And "the angriest badger" is awesome. Although that seems suspiciously close to a search string I myself performed a few months back to find a picture of an angry badger.


I don't think right now, I'd just get angry. I have a good dex and I am very hard to surpise one of the few things monks are supposed to have going for them....but hey...thats getting too close to thinking. I'll just have a beer and finish winterizing my house. I should have just failed my save.

SWBCM looking for: a priest, river, potion, and friendship.

More search phrases that sent people to DiD:

sentence for amphorous
omg jerry snoring
did foo cinder
"leather pants" ass fuck boots
"angriest badger"
a priest, river, potion, and friendship

Personally, I am pretty glad that we come up for "angriest badger".


Potion of Plant Control

Basically, it lets you control some plants.

A 2"x2" area, 9" away. In those crazy D&D units, it means six square feet of plants, at 27 feet distance.

It lasts for 5-20 rounds.

To paraphrase: "Plants can do anything within their normal capabilities, remain still, move, entwine, etc..."

Hope that helps.


Well, the fireball was a surprise attack. Sort of at round 0, if you will. Anyway, by 1E rules, Dispel Magic doesn't act as a counterspell, does it? I thought that was a 3E thing. You can still cast it, and roll off against Cinder's invisibility and antiDave's PFE10' also, if you want.

Dave, Fist of Odin

I don't think combat's broken - I think we're just argumentative. Fix it if you want, but I like the amount of 'system' we have in place right now.

But. We come in. Vrill casts fireball, I cast Radiant Leopard.

Next round. I smack Vrill, Vrill charms a bugbear.

Next round. Vrill Magic Missles me.

Next round. Vrill dissapears. I think I can get a dispel magic up - if not in a counterspelly way, at least in his general area. If I can capture Anti-DFoF in it, so much the better.


Yeah, I was wondering why the two attack round was posted. Makes sense though. I think in general, combat has been handled fairly. Okay, sure, Vrill's been going first at the beginning of the round. Well did you ever think that maybe he had a magic item or special skill to help him out here? Or maybe a good DX. Or maybe, given that it was only one or two rounds, he just rolled good for initiative.

But anyway, you guys roll your owns, post what you do, I sort it out into some specific round structure. Brogg took down aCinder this round, so he can put his two attack round next round towards someone else, or change his battle plan. Either way we'll make it work. Does anyone feel that there's a general problem with the way we've been doing combat? One round complaints aside, are there chronic problems with combat?

Attack attack!

I think that we have run into an issue. In the past, Dave FoO would often post a few rounds, and our foes would act in between his actions.

But, should two quick posts allow for an automatic initiative win? (I just pulled this cheese on the antiCinder, giving me three attacks in a row.) -I'd say no.

I don't think that any hard rules will work here. I just think that we should post, and then, as a courtesy, wait a couple of hours at least before granting ourselves initiative. Or, as an alternative, us player's could post our next couple of actions, and give Rob the liberty to sort out how it goes down.

Either way, I won't pull that cheese again. It feels dirty.


A little math.

Ok, Vrill does a 27 point Fireball. If he is 6th level, that's 4.5 per die, a very good roll. 7th, 3.86 per die, still above average.

The most hit points that Vrill can have in any case is 36 or 42, for 6th and 7th levels, respectively. -That's with the max 2 Con bonus, and 4 hp per level.

Vrill took 28 and was still up.

We just did 23 again after he healed. We must be close...

Rob, just tell them: "Everything has been predetermined by God, and I am simply his messenger of Truth." -That should get you out of jury duty.

Going to court

Yeah, thanks, I saw the Chapter I, Chapter II thing. Looks good. BrickQuest is awesome. Going to fucking jury duty today... I really don't have time for this.


So Big.

BTW I updated the PDF. At 444 pages, it is now too big for our free file hosting. I am now breaking it up into chapters.

2 Kelly

I forgot. I was in Boston last Friday. 2 Kelly has been completely remodeled. I assume Natalie must be gone. The place looks really nice.

Central Square has less bums, but still retains some of its flavor. We ate dinner at The Middle East. No Man Ray yet.


I added BrickQuest to the links page. It's so cool that I also submitted it to BoingBoing. -They picked it up.

Go BrickQuest!


Big wight dick

Whoa, I didn't even know you could check out the Google search string. Too funny.


Google search for DiD

I imagine at least one of us (cough . . . MARK . . . cough) has done this and rated DiD - the first hit was for this blog, and then 6-7 more blog catalog engine things. Over the weekend when I have some time I'm going to give us some rave reviews, get a buzz going - that sort of thing.

On the Planet AD&D site, they post two reviews - one says we're 'totaly engrossing', and the other, well:

hilarious, not so old school though, no alignment used. Non weapon proficiencies seem questionable as well. Game seems to be limited only by the Dm's failure to use established rules regarding experience which limits the players advancement.

I'd be pretty sure that's Marivhon, from the 'no experience' thing, but Marivhon's not a stroke like this guy - 'no alignment'? That motherfucker - I'm so CE it hurts, sometimes. Not so old school my ass! I think I'll have some choice words for that guy.

How to find out if I am of Indian descent

I just re-read the whole blog on my last trip to Bellingham - that's right, all 400 pages of it (but the last posts with the raps hadn't been Adobed yet - the best part).

I'm not sure how DiD can help people find if they are of Indian descent, is what I'm saying. I hope that person finds some answers in our adventures. Perhaps they need to focus on their inner badger spirit.

And I hate that wight dick.

Oh yeah...

I am going to be in Providence and Boston until Sunday, so Brogg might be a bit quiet.

Has Man Ray found its new home? -I'll say 'Hi' to 2 Kelly for y'all.

Dwayne's Outhouse

I don't know if you guys check out the DiD MapStats, but I find the search phrases that led people to DiD to be a source of amusement. Here are this weeks:

cunning plan m'lord
dwayne's outhouse
drow elf weapons for sale
lotus gang
Dragons keeping watch
small pussy big wight dick
How to find out if I am of Indian Descent?

Too funny.



So, are you saying that you want to go to town and train for two months? Right now? Maybe you can go back to Greyhelm and train with those knight guys. Or maybe head into Grito and train with the antiMarivhon.

The adventure's not over! Some might say it's only just begun! Don't worry, I've been keeping extremely detailed records and know how much xp you've earned since the last time.

It's okay.


there seems to be a problem with the server....I haven't gotten xp since the MoP fight.....


I get 10% right?

I think I need a second job...shit so much to buy....how, I mean, nevermind....I think this is the best.


You've got it.

Ok, Angry Badger is online. However, the shirt color is something else. I had no choice.

Mugs for Everyone!

Yup - I'm getting everyone I know a motherfuckin' DiD cast-o-characters mug. Whee!

Although I concur with Ed - I want an angry badger shirt, too. T-shirt with some goofy shit on it? $17. The look of horror when I wear it on a third date? Priceless.

Cash money.

Hey, thanks all.

Paul, your wish has been granted. Check the new button on the main page.



That's some crazy stuff. Hey, I think I might know who the Knights of Armek are...

I am going to fuck the fake Brogg up! Geez, I hope that I don't see the fake Leuco... Anyway, that is some crazy stuff. At least Shady Orchards is standing. However, is this the real Shady Orchards? Hmm...

Definitely something to chew on.

I passed my defense! Brogg the Half-Breed, Ph.D.


Dave, Fist of Odin

Yeah. I've got 2 8-hour train rides this weekend, so I'm-a gonna print me up some DiD and catch up on my readings! Wa-Hoo!

Or maybe I'll load it into my laptop - but the battery doesn't work, and I dunno if Amtrak has outlets on all the seats. I think they might, but I don't know for sure.

I'll keep y'all posted, for the next time you take the train.


Oh, and...

So it might be worthwhile to re-read the posts from this dimension, guys. I'm sensing some serious blockage here. I mean, the whole not picking up the axe and mace kinda blew my mind.

Anyway, I got about 48 hrs before nothing happens for the next two weeks. But, you guys have done great, really; you've made it to the exit. So everything else here is extra. Do whatcha like.



Okay, sorry guys, spending time with K for Halloween. I've got a couple days free now, but on Friday afternoon I'm taking off for the next two weeks. I'll do what I can to move things along.


Little Piggy.

I am a little piggy, climbing the pole.



Hey Ed, nice rap. "There's a freak in tha room!", really got me.


More dreams

So we talked about slowwave.com before. Here's something even crazier... rather than cartoons of user-submitted dreams, they actually make animated movies:

The best thing ever

That's right. I may not have the time to post every day; I may be just scanning some of the flavor text; I may be ignoring puzzles and clues. But rhyming? Rob - you just took it to the next level.

My next NWP will be Mad Rhyme Skilz. I think I can justify that in game - I think we ALL can justify that in game. Hell - I want to put this shit on my RESUME - if someone's gonna read this blog, and think 'I certainly do not want to hire this gentleman', well then buddy, I don't want to work for you, either.


This adventure just went to a scary place. His eyes. Look at his eyes.

I'm going to New Zealand for a week, then to DC for the big conference. New Zealand is inviting me! They're paying my flight, hotel, wining and dining me, etc. Blows my mind really.



Yeah. I got it.

Yeah, wasn't a complaint. Just an observation. I think we've actually improved our flow.

Where are you going for 2 weeks?

I defend on Tuesday.

I just space barred through some stuff for you

Well, if you'd prefer, we could do it like this:

DM: You see a world of glass blah blah

(One day later)

PC1: Hmm, looks neat. I say we go in, who's with me?

(One day later)

PC2: Wait are we healed to full?

PC3: How much xp do we have so far?

(One day later)

PC4: I think we should go in there. However there's that other door.

PC1: Okay, let's go in.

DM: You step into the world of glass blah blah nothing around except something way over there.

(Two days later)

PC2: Let's check it out.

PC 3: I'm in.

DM: There are some buildings of glass etc.

PC4: Hi guys sorry for not posting so much.

(One day later)

PC1: Should we check out the buildings? That one building looks sort of intesting.

PC2: My guy is hot and takes off his shirt.

DM: Okay, you remove your shirt.

(One day later)

PC3: I examine the inn.

DM: There's this guest book thing, etc.

(One day later)

PC4: I take the book, is it magic?

DM: Okay, you take the book. Well, it's not labeled "Magic Book" if that answers your question, but even if it was labeled like that, it might still not really be magic, right?

PC4: Hmm, good point.

PC1: Do you want me to cast Detect Magic? Let's wait until we get more stuff.

(One day later)

PC2: Okay we go to a guest cottage.

DM: The Crystal G appears and raps I'm the Crystal G that is my name, Rapping hard is my game, etc.

(Three days later)

PC4: Okay, please cast Detect Magic?

A peek.

Wow, how quickly a peek turned into a combat.

'And Sometimes I'm David'

I just updated my character sheet - all my gear, like, potions, too - so there it is.

I clicked on one of the links, and it took me to a page 'Other people whose favorite movie is 'And Sometimes I'm David'. I want to make this movie.



I decided to spruce up the DiD:TT page. Sort of a Tavern kinda feeling...


Hey all... so I'll be somewhat out of commission from this Friday (Oct 28) to next Tuesday (Nov 1), and completely out of commission from Friday Nov 4 to Friday Nov 18. I'm hoping to wrap up this part of the module before Nov 4; I've got something in the works to tide you over throughout November.



Internet culture is a special thing, I'll tell ya. There's more of that goodness on its way.

By the way, check out the close-to-1:1 DM:player post ratio! I challenge all other DMs to match me, bitches.


Yeah, this Tin Hammer Man is tough. I just wish I knew why we were fighting him...

Anyway, Apprentice Steve's "Owned" pictures are fucking hilarious. Each one is special in its own way.



Everyone is scared of the chainsaw warrior, I guess.

And does Ed even log on anymore? Is the party to have two zombie thieves?



Hey, thanks! Yeah, I've had a lot of fun designing this section of the game. I won't say any more about it just now though, as you guys aren't out yet...

God DAMN...

...Those poems Rock! Good stuff, Rob.



Mark's picture > my picture.


A modest suggestion

Maybe you should get a tattoo that looks like this.

It's small and simple. Easy lines.

(That's the first 'Robbie' I've drawn in years, by the way. He's got kind of a 'snaggletooth' thing going on though. Drawing with Microsoft Paint is hard.)



yeah the show was much better though.
I don't like that the reavers were explained. I liked having them as just this thing everyone believes in when the lights go out, but when they meet someone who actually says they've seen them....well thats crazy talk. Also the show had more grit, but hey it's 2 hours and a lot to take care of. I explained it to Yvette by saying it's like running a one shot in a great fucking world you don't really get to do justice to the world though because........well you get it.


Well imagine shaking hands....got it? Your thumb will sort of come to rest in the soft tissue triangle where the thumb joins (sort of) with the wrist. So in between the actually hand bones that lead on to the index finger and the thumb bones in the hand I was going to get a bird I drew up as a tattoo in the game I ran. The bird kinda looks like a crow/hawk/kingfisher bird. Unfortunately it's too intricate and the tattoo would bleed out/blur a lot. So I have to try and draw an image I like (which I don't think I'll be able to do because I have a hard time compromising) with straighter lines and more space between them so if it bleeds it won't just blur out. I am going to talk to another tattoo artist about it who kind of specializes in delicate work but he'll probably have to do it 3 or 4 times very lightly to get it to take and even then it will need a lot of touch up work every 4 years or so......

Too intricate?

Oh yeah, do tell about this tatoo, Paul. Is this back or palm of hand?

I am Party Leader

Yeah, I think the only reason why I am party leader is because I use action verbs.

Hey, I was looking at our hits page, and some guy got steered to DiD after searching for: piercer, stalagmite, dungeons and dragons. Now that is my kind of search! Props to Las Vegas piercer searcher if you read this!

I think that Ed is playing his autistic character very well. That should be extra xp, Rob. -That guy needs an ISP.

Wembley kicks ASS

Yeah that thing is so good. I made an 8th level dungeon that featured 'Wembley', a 9th level Halfling Rogue Vampire. He had +11 Appraisal! Pretty useful for a halfling vampire in a 20'x20' room I guess. I like the halls that just go nowhere. Now that is a classic.

Don't worry about watching this site while you do laundry. As you can see, it's basically me and thee. Kinda like watching paint drip. So. Hmm. You see 'Serenity'? It was pretty good.

UPDATE. Okay, so you know how you just posted and said 'I follow the party into the foundry'? I usually read that as you doing nothing. I then wait around for someone, who usually happens to be Mark, to post and say "We enter the foundry!" So while previously I just would've ignored your post as basically meaningless- I mean, it'd be more informative to say "If the party enters the foundry, I stay behind", because default is everyone moves when one person moves- today marks a new beginning! Just check out the DnD page!

I leave for misoury tomorrow

that whole page with the random dungeon generator....I don't know, I'm crying, its so beautiful. It fills the rooms with monsters and treasure....you can generate towns....people....I just need a plot. Maybe I don't, I have a dungeon..!
Well I'm leaving for my parents tomorrow so I'll be watching the site a lot today as I do laundry etc. I did not get a tattoo on my hand today. The design was too intricate, so back to the drawing board.


Random Dungeon Generator is sweet. Watch for it in an upcoming adventure here...


Anyone can do it.

Hey, check out the new link on the bottom of the Links Worthwhile page. Random Dungeon Generator. Hey, Rob, I think I recognized one of yours.



You dun good

Congratulations Paul! God, I've tried to do that many times. My best success was probably the very first Sarpagal campaign, which started out with me killing all the PCs, then ended with me killing all the PCs. Well done sir, I tip my DM hat.

Enjoy Le South.

I thought that was the goal of a DM

I killed all my players last night, it kinda sucked. I don't want them to make new characters because reintroducing the plot would be tedious and worse. So, I am taking some time off. It's weird though last night I still found myself thinking about what was going to happen now and who would be doing what. It's like when someone dies and you forget or you move a clock and keep glancing at where it was. Good death though they almost broke a staff of power as they went as the grand fuck you, but they didn't.

I'm off to Misouri (get it) to visit my parents and others so I be gone next tuesday till the next. I might be able to check in but my dads third world connction speed, acutally the third worlds is better. Well you get the drift.



Hey Rob - so it bugged you, when I left the last part of your name off? See what I did there?

Re: re: re: Dave

Regarding the post regarding certain names. My name is Rob, with a b, as distinguished from the slightly shorter, slightly trashier 'Ro', also not to be confused with 'Roo' which I am certainly not.

I'd delete Mark's post here, because that's comedy gold, but I don't have clearance. Shit.

Regarding Dave's Regard.

Dave, although it wasn't public domain, there was a high level investigation into the causes of the Post Deletions.
Unfortunately, the Powers-That-Be don't deem it necessary or benefitial to divulge exactly what the findings of that investigation were (they will be become public domain 12.26.13). However, you can take my word on it that this investigation went right to the top.
Although little more can be said of this topic, rest assured, agreements between representatives of the interested parties were made, and thus, it is unlikely that you will see future Post Deletions.

A note about my name

Oh - hey Ro - let me re-iterate that my name is NOT Dave. It is Dave, Fist of Odin. Perhaps DFoO, if you're lazy, but Odin frowns upon the weak of character.

Dave, about Mark's post

I wonder if we're still going to get deleted posts - it'll be interesting to see if Mark's post about throwing a chunk of shit at the door stays up (3:15 pm Michigan time, Wednesday, Oct 12 - ten minutes ago).

I say if we still get any deleted posts we try to pin that shit down. Who has delete capabilities on DiD:TT? If worst comes to worst, we can always email stuff, too.

So if anyone gets any more posts deleted, raise a stink right away, here on TT.

Dear Jessica,

So the only reason I knew that dearestjessica was for sale was because it came up in my list of 'blogs similar to Descent into Depths'. Probably because we link to her blog below, ya? She's maybe wondering who the hell we are, although checking this page will give it away. Jessica, if you're reading this: hurting scans as a verb, not as an adjective, FYI.

So okay, now we've bought up all the blogshares. Now what? Does something magical happen?




Rob, that is so cruel. So funny that I laughed out loud, but very cruel.

Matt Damon.

Matt Damon

Blogshares is bad

More blogshares.

dearestjessica is now available; Vrill just bought 1250 shares of that child hurting passion.


Yeah, noticed that. So, this blogshares thing is basically a mass scheme to get people to read other peoples blogs I guess. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Hey, did you check out the 'voting on type of blog' option? Some foreign guy voted for us a bunch.


Huh, some Daddy Warbucks guy just gave us a lot of Blogshares...

Have a look at your accounts.



Dude, I am changing the mainpage editing.
No more erasing my posts. It is bad enough to be storylined, but erased?!

I am making a killing on blogshares. I am going to buy the Potion Guild out.

OMG! A passion for hurting childen?! Someone should BoingBoing that thing! Too funny.

Day traitor

Okay, I'm on board with the blogshares thing, as should be apparent.

Yeah, NPCs get some special skills. But hey, I didn't even have to roll for Vrill, Cinder just has the special NWP 'Bad Internet Connection': Roll a d4, on a 1-2 your post gets through. On a 3, your post goes to another website. On a 4, you are stunned for one round, do not post today.

In totally unrelated news, check out the user profile here:

Stop her before she hurts another!

I found this via the random blog thing. It's my new sick joy.



Hey, where did my post from this morning go?

I tried to break down that door. It disappeared. Don't make me start lowering security clearances now...


Not a gin man

Paul, sorry, I'll make some corrections to Marivhon's profile. Sorry, thought you were a gin man. I'm a gin man now. Although really there's a time and a place for all of god's drinks.

Yeah, Vrill, not the guy to play it straight. I mean, I've storylined you guys worse in the past; no one's dead, at least, none of the PCs. I won't say any more here about it in the peanut gallery. And the header thing, the little castle icon is sweet. Maybe we could be like 'Google' and change the jpg as the season or adventure dictates! That would be pleasing.

This is table talk Eddie.

Ed, I assume that you meant to put that post on the main page... I'll just go ahead and do that for you.

Paul, is the Blogroller back up top? I guess I made the header too wide for all screens.

post drunk on gin....never CAPITALIZES spells pourly.....hrmm

nice header but could we get the Blog Roller back up top....


I feel a bit violated after that last encounter. Geez Vrill sucks.

Hey, check out the new header! That'll make it harder to post at work.

We are the only ones.

Yeah, not exactly like DiD. None of them have been updated in months either. We are a rare breed.

Watch the Ranger video on the Italian site. -Fucking hilarious.

Italian d20

Yeah, pretty soon, Cinder's about to give Vrill all his cash and magic items and apologize for being a dick to him all these months. And then politely stand 30' away preparing for a fireball. I give him til this weekend.

Anyway, check out these sites:

I think these are descriptions of table top games though. However, there are also many sites that run games, sometimes multiple games, on forums. Some of the sites you've linked us from are like that, or have long lists of such sites. I found nothing quite like DnD though.

And the Italian thing is awesome. Check out that d20.

The suspense...

Maybe Cinder just waits outside...

Hey Rob, did you say that you found some blogs of people doing something liek DiD? I can't find them. I can find plenty of blogs about gaming and whatnot, but none where the blog is the game.


Rob, you now have security clearance level 4.

Yeah, Rob, you are now Admin on the campaign page. Sorry about that.

Trying to write dissertation, stay on target, stay on target...

Nice new feature: we now have a button on the mainpage that gives our stats on a Google map. Check it out.

A new critter

Awesome, the campaign page is simply awesome. Thanks Mark! Thanks also for finding the map and putting it in there.

Because of the nature of this combat, I won't really be posting round updates until everyone has posted their action. Hmm, radiant leopard...

Were are almost rich.

BTW our Ad on the main page has earned us $1.10. I think that if we get to $100,000,000, we could make our movie.

I wish I was an adventurer.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the movie. I wish that there were more like them.

I tell you, if we ever hit the lottery, we should make a campaign for movies. I think that we could take it even farther than what's been done. I was talking to Ed about it. It would be great to have a series of movies that wasn't working on the same theme from beginning to end. Character development and conflict would be the only priority. Not, "My enemy is my father, or I need to save the universe" from the get go. Start small and pathetic. -Grow.

Anyway, I did like the characters in Serenity. The interaction of the party was one of its best qualities.

Dave, Fist of Odin

I really hate this Vrill guy.

Sarpagal 6

Ya, watched The Truth Hurts... 8 Bit Theatre is great stuff; really, the link should be to 8 Bit, as 8 Bit always evolves.

Serenity. I think it goes beyond somewhat intelligent, Mark. For better or for worse, I've watched a shitload of Joss Whedon's genre TV, and the guy is a master. Buffy was often campy, but got better and richer as the seasons went on. In my view, by the time Whedon got to Firefly, it was basically like watching an awesome fucking campaign develop arc by arc. Back to Serenity, the narrative structure of the movie is flawed only by the somewhat pat ending and dependency on the character dynamics built up by Firefly the TV show. But the characters, my god, they're the best I've ever seen in any movie or TV show. The global narrative is cliched of course- it's an adventure story. But the local cliches though are mostly sent up (though not all, the Shepherd had to live on just long enough to give his speech); makes me fucking jealous. Hell, I've even used a few of his plot devices- the one-mystical-girl army, researchers and viruses or the like, and the surprise death of character #2 (used that one in exactly the same way... used it twice it was so good, and made one of my players cry).

Speaking of which, here's a bit of news... I'm likely running a campaign again. Sarpagal 6, all new players. I'll tell more when I know more.



I thought you you had played this game before.
ms is Move Silently
hs is Hide in Shadows. bazooka fuck. is well I don't have one and would really like to about now. I have some elf vision too, so you know....elfsight, not bad.

Serenity now.

Ed and I just saw Serenity. Yeah, pretty cool. Campy, but somewhat intelligent.

If you haven't already, click on "The Truth Hurts" link.

I have a bad feeling about warehouse 713.


Dave's out of email range for a few days

I'm going to Bellingham for the weekend, so I might not post again until Monday.

Please don't kill my character until then, if you can avoid it.

I keep ryhmin' and shit, distracting the guards and any passers by, for as long as I can. If shit's going down, though, I think we all know what I'll do.

What's my name?
Dave, Fist of Odin!
What do I do?
Clobber! Clobber!
I say - bitch, what's my name?
(Dave, Fist of Odin!)
What do I do?

ad nauseum.


Go for it.

Hey Rob, I consolidated the Player's Reference with the Campaign Reference. Send a summary, and I'll put it up.

I put a list of the main characters on the Campaign Summary Page.

Oh, and note the new link in The Known World.



Yeah, I get the hint. I just don't got the Silence.

I can whip out a Dust Devil or a Hold Person.

Cool, rhymes though.

Rob-Yeah, I will combine the Campaign Reference into the Players Reference Page. Just give me the summaries, and I'll put them up.


A suggestion to Brogg

Silence is a nice spell.

Silence is a nice spell to cast on things, too.

Crossbow bolts are nice things.

You get what I'm sayin? I dunno if nice works for you, though, and I'll tell you - it's a bit of a stretch for me. The niceness, I mean. I'm the motherfuckin Fist of Odin here!

And we should have some shit in Braille too for our visually impaired reader base

So, if we really are trying to get people to read this blog, I think we need to add another link on the sidebar: an 'executive summary', with three parts: 1) what's going on in the campaign now, 2) one page summary of everything that's transpired, and 3) brief description, maybe with jpgs, of all PCs and major NPCs (Vrill, Gregolas, etc).

How the fuck did one-line joke Gregolas Half-Elven become a 'major NPC'?

Anyway, maybe it'd also make sense to combine the player reference page with the campaign ref page, why do we need two pages instead of one? Then turn the 'campaign ref page' into this one page summary. I'll write the summary if you'll set it up Mark.


I'll take that wager.

Yeah, although I think that I have the long odds, I'll take that wager just for the fun of it. $5 bucks when the clock strikes 12.

Do you mean that the Ad link wouldn't let you view the page? Hmm...

It let me do it. Adsense hasn't approved us yet though, so maybe that has something to do with it. However, Google says that the Ads should be relevant to our site content. That intrigued me enough.

For the love of God

Heh, the 'click link banner' thing is just a little window that says "You are not authorized to view this page". I don't know what's there, but Mark, I'm trusting you, I'd like it not to be something like "Hot or Not? Is she? Vote!" or "Chicks with dicks get nasty!" or something.

And I'm not really too worried about, uh, copyright violations. I mean, the name of the blog is 'Descent into Depths', and we spun some Usher and Biggy Smalls lyrics without proper citation, so, glass houses and all that, or something.

Care to make a wager? Five bucks sez that by New Years, no independent website will link to us. No fair pulling more Kip Whipple stuff either, I'm talking pure strangers actually reading this thing.

What say you?

For love of money.

Cut the ribbon, DiD has gone commercial.

You will notice two new things on the main page. First, you will some Creative Commons stuff. It is just a copyright that allows people to copy and redistribute the DiD text, but not for commercial use. Not like the previous copyright thing had any impact, but since we put our RSS out there, I figured that we might as well get up to date with blogging and syndication.

Second, yeah, we have an ad banner. We can earn money by people clicking on it. So click, click, click! Actually, I bet that they take unique IP's into account. Still, I think that we should put all the money towards something like a satellite. You can now get your own mini satellite launched for 40k. We should have an Infinity Group Satellite. Maybe I will put a goal bar under the ad.

That, or we could put it towards conference expenses. Maybe we could get a #1 meal and an apple pie.


Link out, link out, link out!

Man, that Kip Whipple is great.

I submitted our feed and our URL to some bulk submission websites. I guess it worked.



So I found another thing that 'reviewed' DnD:

There are a couple other things like this, notably one in which 'Kip Whipple' reviews the DnD blog. Kip Whipple, huh, sounds like a pretty cool guy.

Mark, did you just go nuts linking our blog to other sites? Because a shitload of, I don't even know what to call them- like blog clearinghouses or something- a shitload of those things point to DnD and come up on google.


So, I see you have played a mute Paladin, nice...

I don't think that any "outsider" could actually survive the vetting process. I mean players such as the likes of us a few and far between.

The Technorati thing is just an effort to get our RSS out there for syndication. I am not surprised that we don't come up under 'D&D'. However, I think that 'Brogg' should grab us, I don't know, it is either that it has yet to add us, or that I need to add 'Brogg' as a keyword. I will check it out. Mostly, I just like the name 'Technocrati'. It sounds so Orwellian.


Hey Mark, what's that Technorati thing? Went there and did a blog search for 'dungeons and dragons', 'D&D', and 'Brogg' and our site didn't come up.

Hey, so what happens if other people start reading this? What happens if someone actually, uh, wants to join?


deep old school?

anybody else have an alignment? and yeah monks don't get shit. Next level I can talk to animals I think, yeah!

Meet you halfway on that

Except that you read it wrong. Ed and I already went over this. It's not "15 or higher", it's "higher than 15." "Greater than," not "greater than or equal to." Unfortunately, Brogg and Cinder both have 15s. But you're right about Dave. Dave, consider yourself xp bumped. And Brogg, I guess you have a 17 ST, so your fighter xp is bumped too.

And monks don't get anything like that.

With interest

Hey, if we are deep old school, then Dave, Ed and I all should be earning +10% xp as we all have 15's or more in our primary attributes. This is the word of Gygax. -Amen.


Lord of the Bling

Nice freestyle, Ed.

Descent into Depths is sort of like Tolkien, but with rap instead of those gay poems.



Dave's moving

Hey all,

I'm moving to Portland tomorrow. My internet connectivity will be spotty until I get settled somewhere, so I dunno how posty I'll be gettin' here. But I figure Paul can let me know if there's some intense Clobbering action that Dave, Fist of Odin needs to get in on.


treasure type b.


The great big blog world needs to hear how Cinder stole some bling from the king

Hey Mark, thanks for all that stuff. I guess I never really knew what newsfeeds, RSS, all that crap was. The blogger search thing is fucking awesome though. Long time coming, and god do I love horrible blogs.

So, in case you guys didn't know, I've been 'blogging' for some of the NPCs too. Not like I got a lot of free time, and it's really pretty indefensible and worthless. Vrill's blog is potionguild, and his apprentice's blog is apprenticesteve1000. Druid Smallwood has a blog that is, well, I won't spoil it just yet. Anyway, I posted some 'blogger gems' up on Steve's thing if you want to check it out. Steve inherited sort of a narrow range of interests, and damn was I surprised how much owlbear shit was out there. Everyone really does love owlbears, it's only a fraction because I can only do that shit for so long. Of course, we're not the only ones gaming like this, and there's some MI-TEE FINE gaming blogs goin' on. As far as I can tell though, we are the only ones doing a propa sendup of 1E; I'm pretty surprised, although I guess the game Hackmaster is itself a sendup, and there seem to be a couple HM blogs.

So I just wonder though- does anyone read this and give a shit? I doubt it... I love DnD, but it kinda seems like one big inside joke to me, so I wouldn't be surprised if other people scanned it and shrugged. However, it might be nice if 'visitors' want to comment on shit; I really am curious if anyone has read this crap. I can't bring myself to have a 'guest book' because that is SO SOOO LAME, but, well, maybe something like that. Kinda nice to work so much on something that others can enjoy. I mean, it's just downright unfair to keep these rhymes chained:

climbin walls, pickin locks
gettin paid, buyin stocks
stole some bling from the king
now he's down by the docks

my name is gregolas half-elven
and I'm livin in this dwellin
with some zombies and a felon
so it's time to hear my yellin

(Some of my finest work, IMHO. Hey look! I'm a fucking INTERNET DORK.)


Well, I have gone a few extra steps to put DiD out there for "The People". I spent the better half of my afternoon submitting our RSS feed to a number of indexes.

If you don't know, you can see our RSS at: http://descentintodepths.blogspot.com/atom.xml

It's a simple text file of our content that is used by spiders and such.

I guess we can watch the counter and wait.

BTW, what do you think about DiD going commercial if we do get readership? I can sell some banner space and maybe we could put the money towards some totally insane goal like a moon probe or something?

Yeah, we could even have one of those meters with a goal: "Just $29,999,987.65 from our moon probe!"

Blog searching

Hey guys, I don't know if you noticed, but Google launched a blog search engine.

I made sure that we were in it.

Also, you can now search within our blog via the bar up top.


From the beginning:

Well, I just updated the DiD from the Beginning! PDF. All 329 pages of it.

You know, if we could only harness this geekdome... we could move freaking mountains, guys.


Oh, yeah, and Rob, have you had any luck with viewing it?



Well, I was just going to write with the PWEI lyrics, but Rob answered his own question first, so I guess I don't get the 500xp prize.

Ah, well.

Hey - I got no magic weapons here. Any way to feeb the cheese on that? Punching with magic armor; Aid spell; summoned critters?

And Ed - it's Wolvesbane for werewolves. Garlic for Vampires.


So I remembered where the lyrics are from, it's a PWEI song, "Wake Up Time To Die"

I've felt worse but I've felt better
A human see-saw to the letter


My brain tends to have a one day delay on remembering song lyrics. As a practicing neuroscientist, I say 'what the fuck?'

Happy Sept 11 y'all.



Hey Rob, the PDF problem that you are having might have to do with your firewall. I can download it just fine at home, but I have never been able to do so at work.

Did you try rerouting the encryption codes?

And, no, I don't really have so much time to break this thing into Chapters right now. I am actually a bit behind in updating it as it were. I have been slowly printing it out at work and it is about the thickness of an introduction to Biology textbook.

Maybe someday we can edit it though, and make some use (money) out of it.

-Yeah, let's see what the Wolfman has to say.

The Wolf

Hey - you know, this wolfman's just doing his job. I don't have the hatred towards him that I do for Vrill or the GMoF. I mean - put him down, sure; but fists can be used to incapacitate as well as kill, you know? We've got enough enemies in the world - if this is just a guy who got dealt a bad hand, let's see if maybe we can get him back on his feet. If he's attacking Zombies, instead of villagers, maybe he's not such a bad guy.

Not to dis the zombie thing, of course. Mike, our Zombie Friend, is certainly a stand-up guy. I'm just saying that this guy might have a story, and I'd want to hear it - unlike that Vrill bastard, who can just go suck it as far as I'm concerned.


pdf file

Hey Mark, a couple times I've tried to download the pdf file, and about 1/3 or so the way into it, it crashes, with some strange error message. I think the file is too big for the file server you're using? Dunno. Anyway, maybe it'd be nice to divide it up into the actual modules, 100 page chunks, or something like that, if it's not a pain in the ass.

And really, I hated to dunk the dust devil like that, because it's one of my favorite old UA spells, but that's the way it went.


Yeah, that's what I was going for.

Hello wolfman

I don't know why, but I laugh so hard every time I read this:

A wolfman?

One part incredulous, one part just sorta curious.



Unless those rationalizations come with a Pilsner Urqell I ain't haven none of it. Monks making us attack each other, sure they must have been what 4th level. Heh....ok. Immune to magic. Are you sure we were fighting monks and not a demon say with 8hd and low hitpoints. Come on......whatever. I guess I'll fight that Wolf and get 20exp


There's been a lot of xp, I think

Okay, sure Marivhon, I can see why you're pissed about the 1st level thing. But check out the math.

So you have 1800 xp. What that means is since you've joined the adventure, the PCs have grossed 1800 X 5 = 9000 xp. That's a lot. In real time, yeah, a month or two has gone by. But in the game, you've been on two adventures. 6000 xp came from the unicorn thing. 3000 xp came from the monks. If you're complaining about the real time, that's out of my hands. I try to update the blog daily if not more than that, but if we're in combat, and people are out for a few days in between rounds, you can see how that'll slow things down. "It wasn't me..."

Yeah, you killed a lot of unicorns, but if you look, you'll see that most of those unicorns SUCKED. They had 1 or 2 HD. Romeo and Andicorn were tough, but they had maybe 4 or 5 HD. Still not worth 1000 xp. Most of the xp comes from the magic items and the valor of the deed of defeating the unicorn king.

You guys grossed 3000 xp for defeating a few low level monks, four medium level monks and one 6 HD modron. Not bad I'd say.

If you'll check DM's guide, you'll see that a 1 HD creature is worth approximately 20 xp. So I think I've been fairly generous with the xp awards. In fact, that's why I threw the GMoF in the mix... if you could figure out a way to beat that module, it'd be worth a crapload of xp and everyone would level. Didn't happen, but hey, no one died, you got some xp, and in the end the campaign was advanced in an unexpected way.

I'm still running this full steam. So if you want xp, get off your ass and get out there and adventure. If you lead somewhere, the other PCs will follow. They kinda won't have much choice. Don't know where to go? This is fucking 1st edition. Treasure maps, pirate ships, ancient crypts, all that crap is all over the place. Just ask around or whatever.

Hope this clarified things.

'Cuz I'm going to Cali, see...

So I won't be posting until next Tuesday. Good luck everyone!

Descent into Depths: Table Talk

And by the way you all should really buy mp3 players they really are pretty cool but I ride a bike so that might influence how I feel. BTW godfrey just got DSL. he should join soon.


ok, lets cut the old skool crap.
I'm a non-retarded monk....who has been a part of killing 13 or so Unicorns, including their fucking king, and I'm 1st level still. No wait you might ask what else have you done. Well, I was challenged to single combat by the Grand Master of Flowers, hows that catch ya.
I would think that by "old skool rulz" I would be at least 5th, adjusted for stingy dm, maybe 3rd. What I don't get is why the hell after almost 2 months and I still 1st goddamn level...;.dfkgaosdj. Ok just had to get that our of my system.... Fuck coke anyone have a pilsner urqell shit.... And while I'm pissed, fuck guest DM's bullshit. I want second level before some other wacko screws me, the first guy isn't finished with what he started for christ's sake. And that damn Vrill guy has me worked up. Secret plans....shit he has the goddamn lever, it's no secret, we all know he is able to pull that shit as need be to gain a level and a free teleport ring. He is at the level where he would teleport right, I mean the guy isn't going to use an invisibility ring, right? Shit. Ok.... Calm down. Anyone got that Pilsner...... I mean for crying out loud I do a goddamn d3 for damage..... You guys could have told me that monks suck....no wait they don't as we have seen because the Grand Master of Flowers just showed up. You might say hang in there buddy, but come on after all I've done, still 1st level. I just don't know..... Anyway if you've read this far I congradualulate you on your dedication to the game.......see ya....
¶ 7:30 AM


Neva mind

Okay, yeah Mark, I think you're right. The whole 'I'm busy' thing was just a cover for me to ask about guest DMing, which is totally an old school 7th grade thing. But then I remembered that it never really worked all that well. So call me an Indian Giver, but I'll keep DnD rocking, with no slowdown.

And hey Mark? Could you go like reboot Ed's computer or something? He is being remedial-slow.

Next week

I'm leaving for San Francisco tomorrow, and I expect I'll be out of email range for a week-ish. So yeah, maybe taking it slow for awhile would be a good thing.

I'm down with guest DMing - I'm down with other people DMing - whatever. But I suspect between SF, and mom coming in, and moving to Portland, and looking for a new place and starting a new school and all, I'll be a bit busy in September.

Anyway. If anything happens tonight I'll post in - otherwise, I'll talk to y'all in a week.


What? The DM has a job? WTF?

I don't know, I have always been sort of a purist. Part of the fun is linked to an expectation of continuity. Guest DMs didn't work so well in 7th grade, not sure that they will work today.

I have another idea: I can just start a parallel universe. No problem.

If you want a break, I can easily start another blog. Something like *Star Frontiers*?

Or we can just let things go slow, I am cool with that too.

This week's special DM is Steven Jeffries, age 6, and his adventure "Dungon of Trobbel"

Ya, sorry gang, sometimes the shit just *don't* happen. I can't wrap this module up until Ed posts, and like Shi said, he does have two rounds. So maybe he can make it happen. But even if not, hey, at least you're not dead. When you go for the big $$, sometimes you fall a little short. Still, well played by all.

I was thinking, though, that work is getting a little hectic here, and it might be interesting for others to try their hand behind the screen. I'm not saying retire DnD, absolutely not! But what if, maybe starting in a week or two, we've got 'guest DMs'. Each of you could take a week. You can play your own guy as an NPC and I'll play Mike the zombie. Sunday to Saturday, then at midnight, poof, back into lowly PC, next guy takes over. We could just rotate through players, and then after a month, I'll come back on deck and clean up any mess that was made ("that Rod of Lordly Might was alllll a dreeeeaaam").

Actually, depending on how things go, I've got a thing in mind that will nicely segue into having different people guest-star as DM, probably starting in a week or so after wrapping up here, and maybe heading back to Greyhelm/Grito. Any thoughts?


Well, I wasn't expecting THAT.

Ah, well. I suppose I'm not upset, really - it's given me an out with honor, you know?

Besides, when I go back to the temple to report:

(Other Priest of Odin): '...well, let me get this straight. You and your companions showed up to this monestary, that you saw was a former temple to the Big Guy. You sniffed around a bit, and saw Grunna all mindfucked, so you went batshit. Killed a bunch of monks and modrons. Then the Grand Master of Flowers showed up. You tried to get Grunna un-fucked, no dice, and then you were about to smack the GMoF, and that's when your buddy torched you unconcious and carried you out. Is that right?'

(D, FoO): 'Ummm . . . yeah, that's about it.'

(OPoO): 'Well, good try. GMoF, hey? That's some heavy shit.'

Then maybe the Big Guns of Odin will go in there and put some flame-striking Holy Wording smack down.



So sorry, Dave.

Maybe Marivhon is right, maybe it is a test, however, I sort of doubt it. I don't think Odin is that kind of God. I think he just fucks shit up.

I couldn't take the chance.

Oh crap.

Dave, I hear you. I know that this dude is asking the impossible, but it is suicide. Total suicide.

Is there any hope for finishing this another day? I mean, this guy has a -6 AC. That means only a natural 20 will hit. And the guy has something like 50hp.

I would hate to lose the Fist of Odin, here.

Dave, Fist of Odin

Ummm - I'm not walking away from this guy.

I mean, SOMEONE's come in and fucked up a perfectly good temple to Odin, and SOMEBODY went and fucked one of Odin's helpmeets in the ass (mentally, anyway), and SOMETHING is going to be done about it. The someone and somebody are both this cockmonger; the something is Dave, Fist of Odin.

I know. It's totally hopeless. I know. Dave, Fist of Odin is going to die, right here, right now. But when you play the priest, you roll with the punches - my church wants this Valkyrie freed, and that's what I aim to do. Ah, well. It's been a nice run of things - magic plate mail, floating zombie heads, clobbering - no regrets.

Well, give me a round or two to see if we can get Grunna up and running - if not, no reason for us ALL to die. Besides - toe to toe with the GMoF - that's pretty fucking sweet.


Dudes, I just looked over my PH, and things are not good. Not withstanding all of the abilities that Rob might give him (i.e. Fox Spirit Trick), this guy has endless crazy abilities. NOTE: He is immune to all poisons, he has been since 11th level.

I say that either we get Grunna into the action somehow, or get out of here.

I mean, hey, my God just asked that I kill unicorns. This Odin guy, now he's nuts.


Damn this guy is immune to all poisons and pretty much all mental spells we could throw at him.
can't we get Odin down here... Or wake that Valkyrie up...


I'm for doing this...
But what do you guys think. He'll give us first shots. I don't know what that means. He has 18d4 plus con for HPs. Brogg you have like a really high strength right? Could you just break his neck like the turtles.... Dave do you have any spells that could help. Cinder if you have blade poison maybe now would be a good time to share. We could all heal up and try to pop him... This looks bad.



Hey, we tried to close the door and cast a silence, but it seems that I couldn't lock or wedge the door, and these 5th level guys doubted the silence into non-existence. Cutting the bell cord had no effect either.
And Dude, I just no-save, attacked myself twice for 18 points of damage. When your spells don't work and both you and your opponent are attacking yourself, it can really bum you out.
But, we'll plod on, no less; it's an adventurer's life.

are we supposed to

Tactics I thought we just rolled dice and shit. I would like to point out I have tried some things like talking and other stuff...but come on. When I have to make a check I'm gonna fail it. So I don't know. When we roll to hit some of us hit ourselves...it's just kinda rough out there, but I'm sure we'll pull through right.... I mean if ed posts things could change a lot..... I hope. If we are using the dragon rules monks had a d6 and a better thaco advancement and I believe more damage unarmed.... Just to mention it. I mean come on their experience to level is high. Well I done. No wait lets try a tactic..... See what it gets me.


If you wanna be known as a brave hero, start acting like one!

Oh boo hoo, you're fighting a master monk and scared by his great moves. If I may be so bold, you guys aren't really shining in the tactics department. And you should know better than to assume NPCs are cookie-cutter PH dudes. Besides, you were warned that this module was for characters level 10-14. Actually that modron is supposed to have about 12 HD but I toned it down. Maybe that other modron '5' is more your speed?

I can't wait until I get Turn Opponent to Corpse.

Yeah, I guess that these extra abilities must have been in a special issue of Dragon or something.

nice haiku.

Old men know nothing
Doing justice at all cost
A long time has passed


yeah well I am watching these cats very closely so when I'm 5th level I can do all sorts of crazy ass things because I can't find them in the players handbook anywhere.
I agree with mark WTF. I guess it's their high WIS.



Fox Spirit Tricked?

But maybe this is all a dream

Well Marivhon, no, I think it probably is too late to change sides. Imagine a bank robber. He goes into a bank and shoots a couple guards, threatens the teller to give him the money, but then he thinks about it and says "Oh, no, wait, it looks like you guys have a reasonable checking account program. I'd like to open an account, if it's not too much trouble."

You killed all the masters (except Shi). To whom will you pay your special training funds?



And another thing these monks seem a lot better than I will ever be.....I should have given my money to train with them........jeesh.....maybe it's not too late to change sides..


I'm a little nervous guys.....
I've got 7hp and a 10 ac.......... fuck me
I do 1d3
but hey I move 15......


I think that Dave read the module

I mean, it doesn't have to go down like that, maybe Shi Jukka is a total badass, and after that comes the janitor who's not too rough and there you go. Acutally, the thing I like best about the 'G' series of modules is that in G3, when you go to the fire giant castle, you fight the King Fire Giant in like the first room. Makes sense, enter castle, there's the throne room, you don't have to wander through halls and halls of flunkies to get to the king, what's the point in having an impressive throne room if no one's going to get there?

Cool Marivhon, I gotcha. And yeah, if you see wookies or stormtroopers, well, then you can start to ask if the DM is retarded. Glad you're back with us Dave, take care of that rib. See ya soon!

Does B23 come with an Egg Roll?

Sounds good, these damned non-believers are rough. Odin must be pissed. I hope that we can get Grunna back to her senses. She could be a big asset.

Like a kung-fu movie

So here's what I'm thinking - we took down some cheeseheads, and now we're fighting some minor bad-asses. Next will come some slightly less minor badasses who will still be strokes, and then the big boss. I'm full of healibility; after these four monks I'll bust an Aid on someone, maybe me - I'll save the badger for when we fight the Big Guy. Whatya think?


No, it is go time.

Yeah Dave, it is go time with these assholes. Just drop that Silence spell, eh? Note my post.

We should then equip Grunna, and raise hell.

About your equipment list, It has a limit to the number of things that you can list. I had that problem too. Either abbreviate what you have some, or continue it in your "Interests" section.

Let's do it!

Oh, and no ham on that pizza, ok?

Let's get a pizza...

Before the shit goes down.

I have a new post, but I must have pressed 'draft' instead of 'publish'; it shows up before Paul's post. Bad shit time, here!

And my profile isn't showing all my magic items. I gots me a bunch of potions and the Ring of Big Heals that aren't showing up... ah, well.

I'm just about rolling initiative here - hopefully Mike Our Zombie Friend will see that and hold me back. I'm not sure my character is good for any talking about what's going on or making plans or anything for a little while, unless it's go time, which I'm all for.

Go Time!



Ok I get Marivhon is not retarded but I think he's better when he has some time to think things out. I think he's not a very good on the fly problem solver. I get what yer saying Rob. I feel comfortable with the wis and think things have been fine, right?

Please remember though if we meet any stormtroopers or wookies they are pretty much retards.

And as for Indie rockers. well I don't know any.

And Goblings.....heh.....hrm. Has anyone ever considered them a threat or read a book written by a goblin...no. they're laughable little men, and women I guess.... I'm just not sure it's an analogy you should draw to prove my characters powers of reasoning.




Hey all,

Sorry for spacing out for so long - between coming down from the end of the term and my broken rib, I've been a little AWOL. But. My side still hurts, but it doesn't feel like there's something wrong in there anymore, so that's good, and now I've got some free time whereas before I was either too busy, or just wanted to sleep.

Last week I was sleeping 14-16 hours a day. But I'm better now, thanks.

I'll update my character sheet tonight.


What's next.

Yeah, I was planning on taking the back seat as we just finished a quest for Grisbane, but I have got some ideas. The Oracle of Gryss would be cool, and I think that we are close anyway, but I am also up for finding Vrill, robbing the Monks of Progress, or finding Grunna.

Before we head into L1: The Secret of Bone Hill, I would like to stop by Grito and visit Greetles.

I am going to defer for a bit, then I'll take charge.

Time for a new adventure

Okay Dave, 'scool about the down time. Still, you guys need to come up with a new adventure. You can go see Grunna after all, but it's sort of silly to do an Odin quest if Dave's generally out of commission. Or you can still go after the Oracle of Gryss. Or try and find Vrill. Or shit, buy another treasure map. Or decide to go the next country over where they're featuring "L1: The Secret of Bone Hill" or something.



Any more Mt. Dew?

Hey all,

Sorry for spacing out - I just had a week of vegetating, and didn't do so good on the internet stuff. Whew.

If it happens again, I'll go along with whatever questy plans there are, as long as it involves clobbering. You know. Dave, Fist of Odin isn't so good at the strategy - it's about all you can ask of him not to just wade in to a potential combat.

And in combat, just assume that I go for the biggest, baddest motherfucker around. I've got some spells to cast, sure, but mostly I just like clobbering with my mace.

I'll redo my character sheet so that everything important shows up, too. I put it all in, and blogspot summarizes so my shit don't show up. Feh.

Were we going to get a pizza?


Monk Stuff

Well, Marivhon, I have finally put up the Monk Reference stuff on the DiD Player's Reference Page. Let me know if you want anything else.

Unfortunately, while I was at it, I found some info on page 70 of the DMG that restricts Monk stunning by height and weight. The table is on the Reference Page. I guess that Andicorn got a bum rap. Heh.

I also realized that Monks are basically thiefs, but a whole lot better.


Chris' story

He says his connection is too unstable blah blah. I don't know I have brought it up a couple of times but he did just start living full time with his one true love and all. (if you read this Chris it's uh not well you know.)


On Chris

Hey Paul, any word if Chris is going to be joining this thing? Get in while the getting's good...



It kind of blows that this is happening right at the climax of Brogg's quest, but I am going up north until the 7th. I am not sure if I will have any internet access until then.

For his part, Brogg does his best to do the Will of Grisbane. That means killing these unicorns, collecting their horns, and going back to Grettin and Shettin to report. Brogg wants more than anything to grind Andicorn's horn and do what is needed to get his extra Wisdom point. He is going to rely on Grettin and Shettin for more details.

After this quest, Brogg is up for anything.

Oh, and he always has a cautious eye out for that bastard Leuco.


Descent into Depths: Table Talk

You'll get the hang of it Marivhon. Just keep in mind, this is a mix of gaming and story writing. I guess that gaming is always part "story writing", but here even a bit more so, hence the PDF. Actually, I have dreams of us publishing some form of it someday.
On that note, if it isn't a bother, try to keep shorthand to a minimum. I'd hate to have to do so much reverse editing to keep it readable for a third party.

Nice double damage.

maybe the name of this blog could be changed to Table Talk Descent into depths

I posted here my combat actions because the blogger window seems to default to the last place you posted to. I will try to notice the ... instead of the ! but both blogs have very similar names. Rob I will try to be more concise I just don't want to slow things down and so I tried to state possible actions dependant on certain conditions. I can check to blog 2 times a day so I guess from now I I'll go more round to round.


ok thanks.

I will now drink that heal potion and I will attack.
"you hear that little pixie thats Brogg the Champion of Grisbane killing the King of Abominations."
BR 7 to hit. hrm
next round BR 20! to Hit damage 3 double 6 nice. if thats 5 over needed he's stunned too.

On Combat

Okay, so about this combat thing. I think you'll see you're getting just as much 'screen time' as the rest of the party. Maybe moreso now that you're solo adventuring in the crystal cavern. I mean, combat should be the easiest thing to do on the blog, just type:

Blogroll: 14 to hit the pixie. If that hits, I do (blogroll) 3 hp.

Notice how concise and unambiguous that post is. You don't have to make WI checks every time you want to tie your shoes or drink a potion. If you think you're being screwed, well, read back when Mike was magic missiled and made a zombie. Anyway, you ain't being screwed. As you'll see, the combat has been changed and you're still fighting the pixie (as I think you wanted). This happens all the time, not just to you. Also notice that one round, I just made Cinder fight. Cinder didn't log in and post it, I just went ahead and assumed it. If there was a problem with that, we could've changed it too.

Also, if you're not so good about checking the blog daily, try doing what Dave does, and queue a bunch of actions, with some contingency actions just in case things don't turn out.

In sum, I think it's a nonissue, but lemme know if you still ain't satisfied. And remember, 5 wisdom doesn't mean you have Down Syndrome. Just look at Mike the zombie. He's got a 0 wisdom, 13 hp, horrible attacks and AC, and always goes last. But he's a trooper! On the other hand, we could just raise your stats to monk minimum at leave it at that.

Descent into Depths: Table Talk

sure you don't want a rice crispy treat.
I must say that I felt totally screwed with my first involvement in combat. I think if you review the posts, you would find that I was ignored as far as how things played out for Marivhon with regard to my stated intent for my character. If you do read this DM I hope that you read my posts on the DiD site as carefully. Not trying to be a dick here but I am playing a monk with nothing going for him but my input. I will try to play him how he is, but please don't take my input away as well, as it is all I have going in this experiment.
I might as well mention I am drunk so if this comes off a bit hyper-dickish, if that is a word, I still like my DM and would not have him hanged, maybe just beaten a bit about the head and chest.

not marivhon

hrm. I think this is a good idea. If you want to keep the DiD in character then there needs to be a forum online for out of character comments.


Welcome to DiD Table Talk:

There has been quite a bit of table talk going around DiD lately: mechanics questions, out of game chatter, name calling, blog troubleshooting, and even the occasional outsider comment, so I thought that it might be nice to create a place for all things peripheral to DiD. I have left Comments Enabled and open to all, so that all those who wish to speak might have their chance. If you have anything to say, say it here.

Pass me another grilled cheese, eh?