I just space barred through some stuff for you
Well, if you'd prefer, we could do it like this:
DM: You see a world of glass blah blah
(One day later)
PC1: Hmm, looks neat. I say we go in, who's with me?
(One day later)
PC2: Wait are we healed to full?
PC3: How much xp do we have so far?
(One day later)
PC4: I think we should go in there. However there's that other door.
PC1: Okay, let's go in.
DM: You step into the world of glass blah blah nothing around except something way over there.
(Two days later)
PC2: Let's check it out.
PC 3: I'm in.
DM: There are some buildings of glass etc.
PC4: Hi guys sorry for not posting so much.
(One day later)
PC1: Should we check out the buildings? That one building looks sort of intesting.
PC2: My guy is hot and takes off his shirt.
DM: Okay, you remove your shirt.
(One day later)
PC3: I examine the inn.
DM: There's this guest book thing, etc.
(One day later)
PC4: I take the book, is it magic?
DM: Okay, you take the book. Well, it's not labeled "Magic Book" if that answers your question, but even if it was labeled like that, it might still not really be magic, right?
PC4: Hmm, good point.
PC1: Do you want me to cast Detect Magic? Let's wait until we get more stuff.
(One day later)
PC2: Okay we go to a guest cottage.
DM: The Crystal G appears and raps I'm the Crystal G that is my name, Rapping hard is my game, etc.
(Three days later)
PC4: Okay, please cast Detect Magic?
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