C F Godfrey
I sent an email to Rob and Mark with Chris' email address - so we'll have a mage in the party. Woo-hoo! Of course, first level mages, umm . . . well, they're not so good with the clobbering, and they are especially bad at the being clobbered.
But still!
I'm going out of town for the weekend, but in getting Chris set up, maybe we won't start a new adventure for a few days. The holidays are making things weird, too - but I won't post again until . . . . maybe Monday, maybe Wednesday, somewhere in there. And then to Cali for 10 days, during part of which 2/5 of the party is going to be BUYING THE DUNGEONMASTER DRINKS. Not to be fessing or anything, but I expect to turn money into alcohol into xp.
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