
Peanut gallery time

Well let's all give a big old DiD welcome to King Tut, aka Steve, aka the guy I've been gaming with for as long as we both could use written communication. No shit, I was 5, Steve was 4, fuckin' Keep on the Borderlands man. Fuckin' Dragon magazine featured modules, man.

Steve, you'll figure it all out here, but the DiD site is for in-game, this blog is for out-of-game and random crap. To avoid confusion, I'll call the two Steves by their guys' names, i.e. Schmektor and Tut.


Just ran my first game in three years. Tons of fun. There are four PCs: three 1st level wizards and a 1st level fighter. They're the local militia in a sleepy village, and then some weird stuff begins to happen. Their first adventure (preludes are all taken care of) is going to be to arrest a pirate who comes into town. So, so good.

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