
Dave, Fist of Odin

Hi all,

So, I'm back from Korea. It was great - I did some good research, met some new colleagues (and made a couple of new friends), and ate live octopus.

That's right - it was still wriggling, and attached its suckers to the inside of my mouth. But it was really, really tasty!

So I live in Portland with Paul - I mean Marivhon - and I'm blood relations to one of the other people doing this. I'm getting a PhD in Mathematics Education, which is kind of my fourth career . . . but, it brought me to Seoul, so that's something. I . . . . um, well, I play Dave, Fist of Odin, who is becoming more and more like who I am in life, which worries me. And I drive a car named Boomer.

Hi Steve! Good to hear from you! And hello Moth - I'm sorry, but I don't know that we've been introduced, either in game or out. I'll say hello in game after I get caught up enough to post. My real name is Dave, although I am not currently a Fist of Odin. People in Korea, however, called me 'Dave', so take your pick.

That's it. Are we in trouble? I'm going over to the main site now to see if there's clobbering to do.

And hey Rob - Did I roll new hit points for levelling? I forget. How many XP to 8th level? Only like 400, right? I believe my NWP was 'negotiating'. I'll update my character sheet in the next couple of days.

Dave, Fist of Odin likes clobbering, drinking, summoning feisty shit, and talking to folks, in pretty much that order; but the four things I like really all kind of blur together. I also have a suit of armor that talks to me in my head, which is really quite nice because we agree on many, many things. 'Armouran - should I clobber these guys?' 'Well Dave, Fist of Odin, I think a better question is which guy needs clobbering the most?'


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