
Or an evil mage manufacturing owlbears, that's another good one. I mean, we've all wondered just who these mages are and why they make owlbears, yes?

So I was reading a little bit about this woot.com thing. They have a rather long wikipedia entry: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woot.com

But I think Mark is right, woot is really weird. It's a website about buying goods. Or selling goods, whatever. But not goods, really, just one good per day.

Ebay is great because if you wanted an old Atari, or some bootlegged MacGyver episodes, or anything really, you can get it. Whenever you want it, thus it's great for recovering sentimental objects or for random impulse buys.

But from the woot archives it's like The Sharper Image product rejects at an outlet mall. Roomba, putter, probably a flash drive or two. The wikipedia entry is scary, but the forums are even scarier. And there's this time pressure element? I guess it's working for them though.

Anyway, thanks to woot and awfulblogs, people are reading us. And maybe out there, somewhere, is a DM out of ideas, bored late one Sunday night, who'll stumble upon our humble blog and say to him- or herself:

"Unicorn bandits... that's genius. I've got an idea for the next session now!"

And it'll all be worthwhile.

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