
Move reviews

While we're on the movie review thing, I thought Devil Wears Prada was really good. It reminded me a lot of Lost in Translation with Meryl Streep in the Bill Murray role--basically carrying the entire movie. The ending is Prada is *horrible* though, it's like they fired the entire writing team and hired some crappy Disney writers to fill in a quick Mad Lib style happy ending ( Main Character realizes that he/she really ____, and learns something about themselves because of ____. Then, Main Character reunites with lost love ____, who was busy with _____ during the obligatory temporary break up with Main Character, and is now ready to ____.)

I feel like I could go on with that Mad Libs style thing forever.

By the way Mark, remember singing songs in that lame faux Chinese and then guessing them? Hatatatat hasassass ososososo hatahata!

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