
King Tut

I didn't know mages have buff spells. I thought that was cleric land. Don't mages just magic missile and identify? I remember I tried to pawn off some retarded spell where I could imbue shuriken with power and throw them or something. What a dumb spell.

Poor Jimmy Woo.

Can I get 1 thing confirmed--If npc's in this campaign get hit with Slay Living and roll a 1, will they clutch their chest, mysteriously fall out a window, and get teleported into some weird castle where they sip wine and are guarded by 30 full plate guards? Moreover, can I train that skill as a monk? Cause that's hot. Real hot.

I'll be a monk. My style is called "Intergalactic Beatstick." Represent yo. I channel my powers from beyond, from a universe that used to be. The ancient Egyptians didn't die in those dumb pyramids. They built huge space-travelling robots out of tin foil and flew off into another galaxy. My focusing mantra is "Intergalactic Planetary Planetary Intergalactic." If you didn't know, now you know.

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