
Gaming refs

Froggy for whatever reason was a game stopper. I was trying to be pretty serious, big things going on, etc, and Mark or Steve or Ed or someone would just do this little voice 'explaining the situation' to everyone else. Then everyone would crack up, except me, who was in mid-sentence, and I would just frown. And that would make it worse, and nothing would happen in the game for like 10 minutes.

Hence the names 'peanut gallery' and 'penalty box'. Sometimes a player would have to go to the penalty box when they were too disruptive to gameplay. It was high school, so more than once it was because someone was drunk or stoned. Only tried to DM drunk once, and it was a disaster, so never again.

Yeah, Firefly, we hardly knew ye. The characters and dialog was some of Joss Whedon's best. And the first episode, where Mal shoots the horse is so un-TV, but so like real gaming, that it hooked me. I guess that's a confession: horse murder made me watch a TV show.

Whore of Hyannis, ha, that's early on. So it's pretty random, in that I made it up on the spot and thought it sounded funny, but there is a story there. No, nothing about a girl. Dave's characters usually have a Michigan city as their last name. Winston Detroit, I forget the others, Dave can fill you in. And we all used to live out in Boston. I guess that's where the inspiration came from.

Things are good Steve, the lady's well, coming out here in a couple days.

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