
They just don't WANT to work, those poor

Hi guys, just got back from visiting Dave, Paul, and Chris up in Portland, and it was fantastic. All us visitors had a great time.

Anyway, why under the system Chris mentions below, would anyone work for less than $24,000 a year? If you're working a shit job making $20,000, why not just quit entirely and reap in your full $24,000 for a lot less stress and much more free time?

And more free time equals more time to spend money, meaning that $24000 will go faster than if someone was busy doing stuff most of their waking week, and too tired to do things off the clock.

I think it'd be great to run an experiment. Take $10 million, give every person in a 500 adult poor community $20000 for a year. Maybe $30 mil for a three year study. Get some real data on how effective this plan would be on a larger scale. I dunno.

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