
So a guy walks into a bar...

So tonight I was out with one of my new friends, a guy I just met recently that went to my school. We don't know each other too well, but it's the kind of thing where we really click so I'm hoping he'll turn into a good friend over time.

He brought his girlfriend's friend Dani and her fiance. The fiance was pretty cool, he was tall with bleached blonde hair. He was really quirky and weird, but the kind of weird that no one ever told him he's weird, so it was a non-self-conscious weird, does that make any sense? I talked to him for awhile throughout the night, because I knew the people we were out with and he didn't. He seemed cool, but weird. If you guys remember Justin James, he reminds me of him.

So after talking for awhile (guys night out, we left the girls behind tonight) we decided to head home. During the small talk, he mentioned that his uncle owns some clubs in New York, and that his parents "do nothing." He said he'd tell me what he means when it's not so loud (the bar was really loud).

So we leave, and he goes "Oh, so I was going to tell you about my parents. They don't really do anything. My grandfather founded Johnson & Johnson." Can you fucking believe that? He drives a $120,000 white customized Porsche. He's 23 and worth hundreds of millions, if not billions.

I'm not too into money, but that still kind of hit me when I saw the Porsche for the first time. Up till then, it was all words, I mean I could say that my dad founded Intel or whatever. But then the white Porsche rolled out of the parking garage and I was like wow---he can live wherever he wants, and do whatever he wants.

Like I said, I'm not into money all that much, I'm into happiness. But I just wanted to share that story. He seems pretty happy, but not really any more so than someone who's got a normal life that they are happy with.

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