
Dave in Bellingham

Yeah, thanks for asking - last night there was a big windstorm, but no loss of power or anything here at the Naylors'. Three people called asking if everything was all right, though, which is how we knew there was something major going on.

For Christmas, I'm giving the Naylor kids my old laptop, a PS2 with Katamari Damacy, and (if I can find a cheap one) a Windows box and etc. to play Runescape on. Computers, videogames, and D&D ripoffs abound! Gotta get 'em early, I figure, but between Pokemon and videogames, kids these days are already down with being a guy with a sword who kills some orcs for treasure.

I miss adventures where my fighter with chainmail and a sword fights an orc with a battleaxe in a 10x10 room for a chest filled with copper pieces. I miss it a lot.

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