
Marivhon, maybe not.

I knew she was tough, but I thought maybe since Zelba sent us back to life, and Abbey didn't use the White book to bring us back, we would atleast be able to try and hit her. She told us she couldn't attack Vrill becuase he had used the book on her. As far as I know she never did that to us. She said we would be unable to attack her when she did that, but to my knowledge she didn't do it... I believed that the reason we couldn't attack her below Grito was because we were undead under her control.

We have stood before the Grand Master of Flowers, and walked away. The GMoF is way tougher than a single 18th level mage, I thought she was 14th. She would have maybe 50-75 hp depending on her con, and if she has stats like us I doubt she would have Hp over 50. I really thought I could hit her, that the quest I was sent on was possible. I thought that was a safe assumption. I knew she could cast Power Word Stun, but I didn't know she could cast 3 of them. Meaning she also has 2 8th circle spells and a 9th minimum. Which makes me really wonder why she needs our help at all. At what level exactly are we going to be better prepared for that? She was alone and had just wasted one of her 7th level spells. I thought it was her only 7th level spell. I also thought that the silence would buy us a round while Abbey cast vocalize, the thing that mages cast when they are silenced. I thought that was what she did when nothing happened, not a Delayed Blast Fireball. Which, I believe, by the book leaves a glowing ember floating in the air. Not something I would stand next to. I am not sure about Death Spell, I don't know how many HD it can effect. How many creatures or any of that. Cloudkill does allow saves depending on player level, whatever. Stoneskin only blocks one attack, thats it, and then it's gone. You don't have to do enough damage to take it down. I don't think you can forcecage 3 people. Zelba fucked us. I feel like saying Rob skull fucked us. He won't own up to it. He thinks it all was my fault, and maybe Tuts and Schmektors for attacking Abbey. I disagree. I am really not happy about how it went down. Or the implications that we somehow stupidly asked for this.

I hope you actually read all that and that it makes some sense. I think it does. If rob wants to say that were fucked I think that sucks. Someone in the Party had an antimagic Scroll and we didn't even get to use it. We could have done that and killed the bitch with ease, but no we weren't even given a chance. Generally if a charmed person is attacked then the charm is dropped, but I was told that I was magic missiled to death. I think a roll would have been nice. I do move really fast, and I don't think she could keep up. I had a potion of raise dead I could have used on Schmektor to bring him back, and given him a lot of healing potions. I could have tried to use the Zom controller to get him to help.....but no. Just skull fucked. How fun is that...?

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