
"Touch a bomb"?

But not a lot, sadly.

With Blogger MapStats, we can even do the experiment- see if all this bullshitting raises our hit rate this week. I mean, really, it's silly, people love to search for AMERICAN BALD EAGLES. A full 25% of our hits came from people searching for it. When I googled for it, I didn't see our website though. Let me try again...

Nope. Twenty pages of Google hits, and then ten pages on teh Blogger search. How is BALD EAGLE leading people to us? It's a mother fucking mystery.

I did find this great page though of a guy who wants to see a bald eagle. He also wants to make someone pee their pants, touch a bomb, and discover a mathematical theorem:

I think you basically get to do ONE of those things, really. Unless you're Alan Turing, and my friend- you're no Alan Turing.


Our blog is shameful. Other recent searches that led people here:
halfling pussy
cure for hiv
master parsifal
Mr. Purple Rain

Sadly we have none of those.

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