
Mile High

Damn Skippy. Can't wait to see you Rob. DO email me an itinerary. I would love to hear you speak as well as lunch, dinner, and or drinks or whatever. Let me know what's up.

Tut, check your email, as I might be out in your neck o' the woods in March some time... hopefully we can hook up.

What about everyone else? I would love to get together. I know a lot of you have seen each other in the last few months (Turkey Day, Christmas) and there is more comin' with Rob flyin and Mark headin west. I would be super interested in getting together, all of us, and gaming live. Of course there would be some going out and such, but let's get together and game.

Portland? Detroit? Denver? Chicago? Somebody name it and I'll be there. A lot of us have a place to stay in Detroit, but I can put up people who don't. I could put almost all of you up at my place (food and lodging) in Denver (if we did this before August).

What say you?

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