

I see, sorry Mark, you were quoting Paul and Steve.

Looks like Paul and Steve have completely opposite stances... in the "S" view, faith is a priori of experience. In the "P" view, faith is an intellectual viewpoint. I mostly agree with the "S" view.

Here's a question, if people are still up for horse-beating: what would take to reverse your faith? If you're non-religious, what kind of world or personal experiences would lead you to become Christian, to believe in god/afterlife, or turn you Hindu? If you believe, what would cause you to give it up and become atheist?

We're all gamers, so we're good at simulation. My guess is something along the lines of traumatic personal experience, like seeing a ghost or burning bush or something. But, uh... thing about religious belief is, most people don't believe in a god that is just special/particular to them. Smacks of solipsism. Put another way, do you know an atheist who believes in god, just not for that one person?

Anyway, if personal experience is all it takes, to radically reverse religious belief... well, shouldn't it have to be more than that, to change a view of the entire universe?

That's why I think that faith isn't something to be intellectually decided, at all.

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