thoughts on language.
The definition of addiction, gents, is
something that gets in the way of your life.
Addiction is NOT the way of your life,
it's those extra two words that make all the difference.
Rob, really? You can do better than a definition like that. You're a scientist. Way of life eh?
If it is a thing that gets in the way of your life, would you assert that you still have a life? That definition sucks. Is pooping an addiction then? It makes me late for work sometimes. Is work my life? Lack of money is my worst addiction by that definition. I think Marks definition of addiction as repetition is perhaps better. A definition like you presented is funny to me, in that it's dependant on an abuse of language. Restated the 1st sentance could be.
Addiction is that which stops the living from living, while they yet continue to live on.
The second sentance can be dealt with in a similar fashion. Addiction is living your life while not living your life. Marks use of repetative behavior touches on something more useful. I think obession also has a role here but would take more time that I would like to give it to express well.
How many times have you not wanted another drink but still gotten one, just continued, used the space bar as it were. I brew beer, I will drink again. But come on 6 years? Drinking everyday? So I took a day off. Don't get me wrong, I know what you are saying, but it's all too complex to be reduced to simple utilitarian solipsism, with a dash of buddhist zen.
P.S. Mark I agree the geniuses I feel I have met have definately been addicts.
Please excuse my spelling errors Ed.
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