
Teddy Ruxpin's favorite songs

I think the Infinity group started in 1997 - I'm pretty sure Rob and Mark were still in Boston, and Mike was in Florida. Or maybe Mark was back in MI by then. I was in East Lansing, so we can get a bound for the time then.

Or, we could say 1997, and that next year is TEN fucking YEARS. Wo. Isn't this next conference our sixth? Let's see . . . .

Bellingham - Mike's first place
Bellingham - Mike's current place
San Francisco

Yup. Las Vegas is the sixth. Woo hoo? Yes. Yes, Woo-hoo indeed. I think eventually we should have one in Boston (for old time's sake, but not until Man Ray opens back up), New York, New Orleans (once, you know, it doesn't suck anymore), Hawaii, and London.

When we're travelling to a place we need passports for the Infinity Do - that's when I'll know we've ARRIVED. Or maybe having guest speakers.


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