
My Story

I attend a liberal arts college in Virginia. I haven't declared my major yet, but my intended concentration is Psychology. Currently out for summer break, I haven't been able to find employment yet, but not for lack of trying. My hobbies are basically whatever creative endeavor grabs me at the moment, but I'm a fan of writing, RPGs, and bike-riding. As for pets, I'm a cat person. As for books, well, I've had a lot of free time recently, so I've been reading a bunch of them. I finally finished Thus Spoke Zarathustra a few days ago, and I enjoyed what I understood. Then I read The Green Mile. Wow, just wow. That book completely blew me away. Today I got back on track reading Paradise Lost, which I was reading and loving back at college, but stopped for lack of time and need to return it so I could check out other books I needed for a research paper. I've been trying to read more "good" books recently, to attone for reading almost nothing but fantasy novels for a number of years. If anyone here has recommendations for stuff to read of absolutely any sort though, I'd like to hear them.

I guess I've been in kind of a funk recently too, though not really job related. I'm hoping that'll all clear up once I can get back to school.

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