
Important: The future of pop music!!!! READ HEER!!!

So after Steve asked about ScrapsAhoy, I went back and read the Feb06 Table Talk archives. Some interesting stuff. Like how Brittany Spears was going to revitalize poop music. Er, pop music, sorry, that really was an unintentional typo.

Anyway, now here it is, months later, and what? Nothing. Same old crap. But maybe BS isn't the salvation we need. Maybe it's really Paris Hilton. I heard she wants to cover Gnarls Barkley's 'Crazy'. Her cover could just be the perfect pop song of all time.

Awaiting with bated breath, yours truly,
Rob the DM.


By the way, talking about random blogs, here's a gem:

It's your classic day-in-the-life kinda blog, with typical bizarre variety in the posts. One day it's about what he does for his computer job. The next day he fucks a prostitute in the ass. Day after that? More bitching about personal problems at work. Sort of "The Stranger" in play-by-play, or maybe an awkward Mike Leigh movie. From the banal to the... well, I think you know where I'm going with that one. Cheers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I find it totally amaizing that you found this blog. What prey tell are you thoughts about it and its content?