
Treasure Where? I GET IT!

I think we could use him, he has kids so he's home a lot and he probably has a good connection. My guess is he's a solid poster. Does he know that if he plays there's a good chance of him getting skull fucked?

I agree we fucked up, but come on thats how it should have worked. Orcus wanted to get us. Maybe he owes us for falling for his pathetic plan allowing him to save face with the other evil gods? I even said that I didn't think that we were in Grito and that we were prolly on that plane where the gods fight, but ya know I did what I did, and got skull fucked by a mean mean DM.

You know this isn't going to stop. If you'd like to change the subject let's talk about Minotaurs or something we can all agree on....Or Maybe we could talk about a world with no iron or something cool like that.

Heh, sorry. Well not really. I don't think table talk would be table talk without some Bitchin, isn't that how it is.

PS don't let mike and pam stay in your small house with their 3 kids unless you really like them. It's hectic.

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