
My faith is your faith.

This is interesting. I do agree it would be better in person, but the written word has some unique advantages too.

One thing, I don't understand this statement: Science doesn't assume finality, it's strange because without the assumption of finality it can avoid it being faith based.

Need I to assume finality? Is finality somehow more rational than infinitude?

I'd actually assert the opposite. Finality would make me suspicious of some "other" thing. -But that's just me.

I also suggest we are confusing function and philosophy here.

In a sense, this debate is very tired. It's almost comical in its regressive futility. Humans are intrinsically a poor authority on human perception and experience. All the data is skewed, and we have no unbiased controls.

That is why I am not religious. I don't see anything non-human to suggest the validity of human religions.

That's a bit tricky, but think about it. Basically, religion exists because humans exist. Gods exists because humans do. I have never seen any non-human evidence for a higher power.

In other words, humans tell me something exists, and they tell me that it is not entirely human in its attributes. However, that's all the evidence I've been given. Completely human evidence. Do you blame me for being suspicious?

And, don't tell me I am simply not looking at things correctly to see it in the world around me, as that "correct perception" is entirely a human construct.

Also, don't tell me that my skepticism simply is a human construct as well. The evidence I am looking for is the kind that bucks all preconceptions, skepticism, and belief. -Like the attraction of gravity. Believe what you want, desire otherwise, argue against it, still, masses attract each other. There is non-human evidence of it.

-If you say this can't be proved, I'd say you are wasting my time. -All physical evidence suggests that masses are attracted to each other despite human existence. There is no physical evidence to the contrary. No non-human evidence to the contrary.

If you say something like "we can't be 100% sure that masses attracted one another before humans existed" I'd say you are being dishonest and argumentative. It's like standing in the rain and saying "It's not raining!" Doing this nullifies all communication. If you want to go there, then we should just stop talking.

Gravity functions regardless of humans. Atheists, rocks, leaves, priests, ants, all masses attract one another. -Now there is a basis for a belief system!

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