
Dave, Fist of Odin

Hey Mark - I would like a new login, please. Do you have my email? Do you need anything else?

I'm down with the proposals - no level caps (those always seemed lame), anything from UA/PH, etc. Good site, Rob.

I kinda like the 1-potion-as-free-action rule, but, okay. I guess we're not playing with attacks of opportunity, so that's fine.

I plan to play a psioniscist.

Ha! No, no, they suck, across the board. Broken rules, slows down the game, either too powerful or too weak, and too much work both as a player and DM.

I'm going to play a mage of some sort, and I might multi-class depending on my rolls. I'll post from my new login what my rolls are and everything. "Hello - I am Galstaff, sorceror of life!"

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