
Paul 15th level megageek.

drow cavaliers are broken. Cavaliers aren't really that great. Drow...they're great. They just don't dish out the damage, since they can't spec. They're ok.
Rangers are the fighter class mother-fuckers. Spec....spells.....good HP. Abilities. Nice. Mjyoungs stuff kinda takes a bit out of the drow, but it's ok. I believe the light related penalties are his own invention, at least I don't think they are from Unearthed.

Cavaliers....well they can fight ok as far as to hit with a Lance, a sword and a flail or something. They get some anti fear and mind shit, not bad. And Elven Females can ride unicorns as a mount at 4th level!! AWESOME!! Cavaliers only seem so good because you don't like unearthed and want more reasons to hate it. Rangers/Cleric half-elves.....thats a good class. Everyone should be that. Bow spec.....sanctuary, walk away. shoot them. entangle them. whew.
fuck it I shouldn't know this much, or talk this much about this crap. I understand why Rob is scared of outing himself. I on the other hand have a d12 geek pride pin.....fuck there I go again ok bye

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