

Actually, I rolled two 17s, but as an elf I get a +1 to dex. And yes, I BRed 3d6 6 times, and then assigned the stats where I wanted. I got two 17s, sure, and a 15, but a 4 and a 5 too.

I'm using the rules from that page you linked to, is why - and I dropped my con one point. Everything on my sheet is by the sources I had available, and I know, having a THACO of 14 at first level is egregiously bad - especially when if the target's 30' away, my THACO is 14, I get two shots a around, and I do double damage ((d6+2)x2). But rules are rules, and we play so fast-n-loose that it probably doesn't matter TOO much that I min/maxxed.

Oh - I see that KT2 has a proposal about spec-bow. Yeah, it seems broken, but it only counts within 30'. I'm fine either way; I'm gonna be using my bow pretty much exclusively, though, so that 30' rule is going to come up quite a bit.

My backstory? I come from an elven land far, far away, where I trained in both magic and the fighting arts. But I pissed too many of my kin off - CHA 4 ain't cuz I'm ugly, it's 'cuz I'm a rude bitch - and I had to leave. Ties cut, fresh start, all of that. The only thing I left with were a few pages from my spellbook and my grandfather's sword, but I hated that fucker so I took it, not 'cuz it has a lot of personal value for me or anything. So here I am, bow in hand, looking for treasure and power and ADVENTURE!

Hey - and Theodore, why do your posts say they're from 'Brogg'? Who is this Brogg fellow? He sounds like a crappy half-orc or something.

I'm changing my character a bit, specifically the NWPs (I think I'd rather speak Elven than Spanish, for instance, and maybe 'close combat bow' instead of 'semiotics'.) How many healing potions do we start with? Three?

My other two spells are shield and sleep. It was a tough choice, because PFE and unseen servant are fun, and so is charm person. Maybe later.

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