
Wassup Locke?

Why should we believe unrestricted capitalism is good? Mining towns? Child Labor? Rivers so polluted they burn?

These are products of unrestricted captialism that were recognized to be problematic and subsequently restrictions were put in place.

Why do you say a minimum wage increase will drive inflation? The majority of literature, as well as the statistics of those states with a higher state minimum wage does not support this.

I think it's strange, how passionately some people think the freeer the market, the better everything will be.

Pure capitalism works just as good as pure communism. -Great on paper.

Why should the Wallmart kids get all that money they didn't earn? I am not saying they shouldn't, but really, ask yourself why? Is it because if they couldn't get 16 billion a piece, Sam Waldon wouldn't have worked so hard? -That's not entirely true. Let's not pretend it is. Let's really ask ourselves, do they really deserve all of it? And, if so, why? If not, why?

Also, can you earn 16 billion? Is anyone's time worth that? No. What you are really saying, is this: "If someone sets events into motion (through hard work or not) that provide them and their heirs any amount of money, they are all entitled to it.

BTW, I am not saying that Walmart has unfettered market manipulation, but they do have very strong market manipulation. Maybe too strong for the good of the market as a whole. Isn't that a possibility?

Oh yeah: Wal-Mart and County-Wide Poverty: Stephan J. Goetz and Hema Swaminathan Social Science Quarterly Volume 87 Page 211 - June 2006 Results: After controlling for other factors determining changes in the poverty rate over time, we find that counties with more initial (1987) Wal-Mart stores and counties with more additions of stores between 1987 and 1998 experienced greater increases (or smaller decreases) in family-poverty rates during the 1990s economic boom period.

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