
Tote bag

So I'm in line at the cafeteria again yesterday. The lady ahead of me has a big ass tote bag. The cashier rings her up while she just stands there, and her bill comes to like $3.79 or something.

Then she begins rummaging around in her tote bag, looking for... guess what? Her goddamn change purse. Like she was suddenly surprised she had to pay for her damn food? I don't know why she didn't start looking for it while her food was rung up. (No, I do know why- it's cause ladies are, as a lot, passively rude and thoughtless... see post below for further analysis.)

So she digs through her tote bag for a while. I would've thought it'd be easy to find a change purse, like at the bottom of the bag, but I dunno. It took a while.

She finds it. Then, of course, she starts rummaging around her fucking cute little change purse to pay with exact change. I knew it, I just knew it, and I start smirking. She's starting to become aware of how annoying she is, and sees me smirking. I don't really mean to be a dick, you know, so I look away to hide my grin and basic contempt.

She can't seem to figure it out, so she ends up dumping all her change on the counter. She then counts it all, and of course, it turns out she doesn't have enough to pay with exact change.

She then whips four bucks out of her pocket like she's got fucking Quick Strike and pays for her food.

The irony of the situation is that, in paying with $4.00, she got some more change, two dimes and a penny, just encouraging her to try again to pay with even more exact change the next time.


This wasn't like some crazy cat lady or anything, just a normal chick, maybe one of the nurses or doctors. Probably a nice person, intelligent and professional and stuff.

But Jesus H Mother of Fucking Christ. It's always the same. Why do chicks do this shit? She had the four goddamn dollars super-handy in her pocket, it's some sort of brain thing, I know it.

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