
Laptops and bitching- a post in two parts

Depends what the laptop is for. Business or fun? I've got a Dell (Latitude D800), and it's been great. Going on four years now.

My understanding was that Alienware designed gaming rigs. If gaming and entertainment is a priority, you'll want a big-ass screen. Mine is 17" because I do a lot of graphic design (and have gamed) with it. Haven't suffered due to the size, if anything I could go just a tad larger.

If it's for fun, buy the biggest and best possible- money saved in the long run, as fun (i.e., video games) tend to ride the cutting edge of software and hardware tech. Meaning that the worse your PC is, the sooner it'll be obsolete, meaning the sooner you have to cough up another $1000 (+/-) for a brand new system.

If it's mainly for school and word processing, might as well go small and cheap.


Dude, our traffic problem won't be solved with more eagle pictures. It'll be solved with more action in the game. I try not to bitch about lack of posting, so I'll take this opportunity to do so. Post, damn it. I fail to believe that all y'all use the damn internet only once or twice a week. Don't tell me you all get the newspaper, read books, and still write letters, and only grudgingly fire up the ol' Vic 20 every now and then.

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