
I can't talk to goth girls

Our rhymes were good. Hella good, e'en.

But MC Frontalot basically skools us, because blogger don't let us post beatz.

Here's Front's home page. Or rather, the all-important free mp3 download page.


No shit, really- despite what you think of the lyrics, wow are the beats and samples fucking hot. Actually a lot of the songs and lyrics are a bit too self-conscious and in-the-genre, but holy christ on a cross those backbeats on the singles are swell. I'd love to de-acapella some of the tracks like Charity Case and just cruise to the music.


Anyway, this is completely different but even more awesome.


Wow, it's like someone planted some beans in the internets garden and now theyre growing.

Because this is sort of what I think DiD would be like if it was an animated movie. Yes, that's meant in seriousness. Make sure you get to the last one, by the gods, the last one.

It actually tells kind of a story. I thought of Steve's guy as the knight on the cliff, and Paul's first guy in the karate scene.

You might want more. I give you Doctor Legua.

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