
Bigfoot is the Mormon Jesus

Star Blasters or Blazers or whatever would be good, but I thought a great idea was what I thought you were trying with 'Corpus Dord'. Basically an Alternate Reality Game but with no centralization- no GM, no existing story, no programmers or top-down control. Just a conspiracy theory game/story we would create as we went. Everyone has a character, initially unrelated, and we post random stuff from the internet or the news and work towards a sinister tale of, well, whatever. Bigfoot or reptoids or MK-ULTRA satellites or hopefully all of the above.

Kristin and I played this game where we would take three random things and try to connect them. Easter Island, Jesus, and Bigfoot for example. Or Chupacabras, Nazi polar base hollow-earth exploration, and the sailing stones of Death Valley. (That one's pretty easy actually, with the stones tracking EM transmissions from SS-controlled Agarttha; the chupacabras, being EM-sensitive, were driven mad and forced out of the deserts to suck the blood of helpless livestock in their berserk rage.)

(Bigfoot being the Mormon NA Jesus, whose offspring sailed to Easter Island. Guess that's even easier.)

Just thinking.

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