
Lord beezlwebort

Mahjority smagority.

Belife in itself is symptenmatic of someting fucked up with people right? I mean it all get's to faith. It's moer importnat to ask about it's internal consistacny. I mean if you have faith in the bible then you got's preoblems iwth the whoel new testament versus old testement shit and then you got papal infalliability and now they might just think condoms are ok when they have gone on record that it's not. So shit I'm voting soon and thats fucked I mean come on it's so "team" orented for people that it's kind of a joke. Waskington has a great farewwell address you might want to read youcoan goggle washingtons farewleell adress and get it if you like it's a goog read. Science. hah! its' faith based to by jove. I mean it's an arguement based on authortity and well thats faith wehn you get rights down to er. I think it's crazy to join the army. I think it's craxy to vote for a guy you don't know shit about, it crazy to be anything but a frickin farmer communist freak. I mean come on. Farmer that's fucking respectable you grow shit you eat it. Straight up right? Fuck that workin for the man and shit. canni get an amen well maybe not. Fuck it you know I mean we all belive shit and thats crazy the buddha don't belive shit and the jesus I know don't care he justts love ya so fuck all the who knows what.

wish you wwre her mike.

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