
God loves, he hates... he does what ever you want!

I read about some guy the other day that is trying to get religiousness classified as a mental illness.

He said the irrational belief and behavior could be considered pathological.

I'd be apt to agree if religious folk weren't in the majority. -I think it's a bit presumptous to state the majority of the human race is mentally ill.

Hell, maybe I'm mentally ill since I'm not religious.

However, what people do in the name of their beliefs, now that's another story.

I'd respect this lady's freedom of speech within reason. -A rule keeping demonstrators 500+ feet away from a funeral seems reasonable to me.

I sure as hell wouldn't give her air-time. It was almost like putting someone with turret's on TV, -just because it's hard not to watch.

Obviously, it was just an attention-grabbing spectacle.

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