

Yeah thanks for changing those, they look a lot better in italics, espcially in a long post it's hard to see that they are all from me.

Re: Where should DiD go, my opinion is that it should go anywhere that keeps us busy and talking together. I'd like to see the power level kept down (that chainsaw is pretty much off the hook) cause I think when the power levels start to go up, things get sketchy. I'd like to do any sort of campaign. The Narboring one was one of my favorites (working for The Company).

I just want to keep Tut useful and about average in the party. People have +2 weapons, magic shields, magic plate mail, spells, summoning, stuns, and Tut just has a +1 sword. So that's my only concern for him. I don't really care about the books or about ZOMG...my only concern with ZOMG is that we don't use his without the proper preparation, and it backfires, ending this campaign earlier then us PCs would like. I don't really care if he, or the book, or anything else, is "mine."

Otherwise, has anyone listened to David Gray? He reminds me a lot of Bob Dylan. You can listen to some of his music for free (streaming) here. My personal favorite at the moment is Say Hello Wave Goodbye on his White Ladder cd. It's a remake, but I don't know who did the original. The song Babylon was also very popular. I really suggest listening to Say Hello Wave Goodbye, if you hate it you only waste 2 minutes of your life, if you really like it I can burn you the cd and send it to you. I also have the Lost Songs 95-98 cd which I'd be happy to burn and ship.

1 comment:

Dag the Holy Cannon said...

David Gray is fantastic... if you're in to that kind of stuff. I am.