
Denver has fewer morons?

Hey Steve - I've been to Denver a couple of times, and I find there to be about as many morons there as anywhere else. I mean, it's a nice town, sure, and has a good airport, and the people I met were friendly - but gaytards are gaytards wherever you go. Maybe you're moving into a moron-proof suburb?

Oh wait. What? MorMons? Hunh. Well, good luck with that. Are Mormons kinda like dillholes? Most of the Mormons I've met are nice people - the good kind of religious, not the creeepy Republican kind - but you're in a better position to know. Maybe the quiet spirituality of the Mormon faith is just a cover for something more sinister. Is that it? If you can't tell me overtly, just post in italics or something - we'll figure it out.

Is it space aliens, using this sect of Christianity to mask their nefarious plans? I sure hope that it doesn't involve using us as a slave race or food or anything. Or alien roller-coaster testers - that would suck. Roller-coasters make me throw up. I can see it now - lurking, shadowy alien forms, overseeing the subjugation of humanity by their chosen Mormon sect, and the horrible, hated words:

"Strap this one in to the Sonic Eviscerator. We'll see about his rebellious sympathies at 200 miles per hour - UPSIDE DOWN!"

It makes me shudder just thinking about it - I'd rather work the ice mines or something, I think. Except I don't like the cold so much, so I'd probably put in for a transfer to the steam mines.

Yup - I can see why you'd want to move - those Mormons seem like Bad News.

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