
A vampire named Bolar.

Mr. Bolar. I forgot all about Mr. Bolar. He was awesome. I remember that town square fight.

To me it feels like storming the Covenant's Tower took longer than three sessions. Huh. That campaign was like a video game.

I feel like I have all of these misplaced gaming memories. Such as:

What world was the slums campaign in?
Was Harold Reilly in Sarpagal?
Was Linus Planck in Narbohring 9K?
Which campaign was the Iron Labyrinth in? Oh wait, that was Narbohring two. I think Morgan picked up Mr. Beasley soon after. He got Beasley from some kid in the Greco-Roman-like plane. Mr. Beasley was great.
In which campaign did we have the Big Boat Battle? -I recall playing Elliot Bosche then. Someone was in the water with a birdcage...

Wow. Good times. -Really makes me want to game.

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