
$100 bill is always a testament to your success

Oh, and:

LitB first aired on April 23 and ran for 234 episodes. "Eddie Haskell" was John Holmes' porn name in a number of movies, suggesting dichotic mind control via TV waves (Haskell involvement in canonical examples of Good America and Bad America). Note 'Sade' and 'Hell' placement in the name. Hell as in Hellfire Club- Franklin involvement in such, devoted to satanic orgies and more dichotic mind control. (Despite 23 placement, probably does not reflect Masonic involvement and could be red herring.)

Franklin did the first Philadelphia Experiment, it's where the name came from- using a key rather than ship (Eldrige/Eldritch) as resonator. (Tesla did same thing with more success, although $100 bill is testament to Franklin's own success.) Why? Rather ask, why hasn't experiment been performed- because TV mind control found to be far more effective- operant rather than Pavlovian conditioning- the people want it for themselves. They want to be Eddie Haskell, both with June Cleaver and John Holmes.

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