
Whatever, yo

Yeah, but regardless of whether it was really Paul or Yvette logging on, come on now. Dissing my meter? I'll have you know that my rhymes are mostly flawless in terms of execution. If I say so myself. The rhythm, meter, flow, and language is good-to-hella-sweet on average, and perfect in many cases. John Romeo ain't as good as Crystal G, but what do you want? Romeo's like a 8th level assassin, while the Crystal G is a Rhyme Elemental (large).

I guess the lyrical flow just doesn't translate well onto the written page.

Oh shit yo
I'm metal on target
Rhymes DARPA designed (beat)

I got
the technology
while you just got fined.

See how that runs on smooth? Well do you? Note the oh-shit-yo beginning-and-end rhyme of the first line. Note the repetitive 't' sound in the second line. 'Metal on target' is a main military catch phrase, which sounds kick ass and sets up the final phrase of the first line: 'rhymes DARPA designed'... note again the beginning-end rhyming, plus the 'darpa designed' alliteration that works so well. Each of these phrases has multiple lyrical components!

'I got/ the technology' ... again, the repeat of 't' sounds, with 'technology' riffing off the DARPA thing in the first line, but then there's a wordplay on 'got' in the last phrase, which sets up the return to the streets (parking illegally in someone else's space) in the third phrase (not shown here). The phoneme repeats of 't', 't', 't' is poetically in line with the concept of 'metal on target'.

Do you want more? Shall I analyze the rest of my rhymes? Look, this shit ain't just generated by a ten line BASIC program. If you can't sing along in your head and make the flow work... well dear readers, maybe we should set a grade-level bar for reading DiD. Trust me. The flow works. Mostly. (And not for the crystal diva, because she's singing a song, not spittin raps.)

I leave you just by mentioning the WORLD'S BEST RHYME:

Crystal rhymes resonate with a fresh freak-rency
You want more? Then call me: D-I-A-M-O-N-D.

It has everything you want. I'm going to put that couplet on my fucking TOMBSTONE. I'll leave the analysis as an exercise for the reader.

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