Well, I have gone a few extra steps to put DiD out there for "The People". I spent the better half of my afternoon submitting our RSS feed to a number of indexes.
If you don't know, you can see our RSS at:
It's a simple text file of our content that is used by spiders and such.
I guess we can watch the counter and wait.
BTW, what do you think about DiD going commercial if we do get readership? I can sell some banner space and maybe we could put the money towards some totally insane goal like a moon probe or something?
Yeah, we could even have one of those meters with a goal: "Just $29,999,987.65 from our moon probe!"
Yeah, thanks for the encouragement! We won't stop til the, you know, til the end!
Dude, you just freaked me out.
I just come across your blog and your moon probe idea is very interesting. Will definitely come back to read how it goes… Feel free to drop me an email if you’d like to exchange thoughts and ideas.
Oh, by the way, have you checked other stuff like how to buy iraqi dinar? It pretty much covers dinar exchange related stuff, and you might find it quite informative.
I’d love to meet you there.
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