
DM screen and banded mail

Remember the original DM screens we had? I still remember the bearded guy in banded mail with a sword. I think he was near a castle that was being attacked by a dragon, and there was a hot girl in a genie-type outfit behind him if I remember correctly. I also remember that we argued for a long time about what kind of armor he was wearing. I still don't really know what banded mail and/or splint mail are, but I remember we used to ignore splint mail for a long time and then we realized it's actually really good armor, and then all our characters started using it.

I kind of understand how you don't want to put real life stuff on the blog. I'm ok with really vague stuff that can't be traced to me ("moved to chicago") but I definitely understand about detailed stuff that really gives away one's real identity.

I'm pretty bored now. Computer games aren't really any fun anymore, and I need to start studying for the CPA. I found out I don't start work until Oct 9, which is good for the CPA studying but bad for boredom. I need to start finding other stuff to do. I'll probably get back into the gym, other than that I don't really know.

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