likely story. I think I'll have to report you.
An errand eh? What exactly were you doing? Why are you so scared to say what it was? I doubt the veracity of the recounting of your thoughts at the time. I'm not calling you a liar, I just think you may have "mis-remembered" your thoughts due to the obvious concern and stress you felt. Perhaps there was an emergency at the school and what did you do? It seems you took a picture. You should have gone inside and offered assistance to the officer, who it would seem was involved in something. Perhaps the officer was handicapped, did you think of that? Perhaps so handicapped that they need two spots. Did you offer help? No, you took a picture. It is nice that you acknowledge that the officer in question could have been male or female, at least you are not so bigoted to assume that the officer was male. This is what's wrong with America, we criticize those who serve. So many available spots, and you don't think what can I do to help, you think how is this help wrong. You make me sick.
I hope things are well with you. I own a scooter now. It's awesome. A scooter, a house, it's the big time I tell ya. You should send the picture to a city council person, it has the license plate and I assume you know the time. It might be fun. You could word it somewhat like I did this post, but with more "realism".
SRSLY check out
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