
Exact revenge

Eh, I actually listened to Joy Division today ("Heart and Soul", their best song). Plus She Wants Revenge, which is sort of like Joy Division. I totally forgot it was today. Honestly I sort of forgot what day today was in general. My days are all sort of similar. Some days it rains. Some days I get a drink after work. Some days things go, some days things don't go. Etc.

Cheers to Joy Division and New Order. Everyone loves New Order. I don't know anyone who doesn't like New Order. I have a confession to make... I've been listening to The Smiths lately. I don't know what's wrong with me, I used to hate them. Even when I was an angsty sad goth kid I hated the fucking Smiths. But they have a few good songs I guess. I'm not like emo about it, the songs I like, I like for their pop licks.

I'm also listening to Freezepop and Severed Heads, which are good stuff. Mark, I think you'd dig Freezepop if you don't already know them.


Dude, Blogger's gay Save Drafts Automatically thing is pissing me off... it's disabling the Save Now button when it farts along and autosaves.

Honestly: Blogger people: stop fucking around. The website is great as is. Don't take away more of our features. Fuck, they disabled the button again! Guess I gotta keep typing.

You know what else bugs the hell out of me? Exact change. Ladies, you know I love you. But I don't care how cute your new thrift shop or hand-knit coin purse is. I'm a busy fucking guy. The guys behind me are busy too. Just give the goddamn clerk a twenty and save your change for the fucking bus. It just takes FOREVER. It's always ladies too. So in protest, whenever there's a woman behind me in line, who looks like she an exact changer, you know what I do? That's right. I pay with exact change. Ha ha, fuck you! Yeah it's awkward and takes long and I feel like a total ass, because all the change is tucked in the corner of my wallet and I got to dig it out with my finger, and it's never quite right, so I have to take longer and feel all lame for using exact change.

But maybe, just maybe, my voice of protest will be heard and I'll change one life. Change one heart. Change one mind. To put away your goddamn change.

Also, ladies don't hold doors open. Guys do, even for other guys, it's not like a chivalry thing or a sex thing, it's just polite.

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