

I get my news from lots of sources. I find that PBS shows like frontline, foreign exchange, and others are very good. I especially like interviews with foreign people when trying to understand foreign issues. PBS has had some really good specials on all kinds of subjects. I don't really use the internet news sites like CNN, MSNBC or others for "news", I think I look at most of what I find on the internet as gossip. As to how important it is to stay informed, well I think it's very important. If you want to be involved I think it's a responsibility to also be informed. If you don't want to be involved, politically, etc, then you probably don't need to be informed. If there is a subject I want to know more about I do google it, then I read say 6 websites, and try to filter out what I can from the mess.

As to politics, religion, social shit etc. I think it's of paramount importance to be informed. I get a lot of shit from people about how I may or may not be helping the cause, their cause in most cases. I do believe that happens more in cities, than in the burbs. Frankly to be honest I'm not doing much. I write politicians and talk about what I believe to people. But, I think being informed properly takes up a lot of time and requires a lot of work. I mean think about the bills that are passed by our government, most go unread before being voted on. I think it's very sad, and I think it's what we do all that time in life in other areas of activity. I have taken a shine as of late to the U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It's a great source text to use when pushing my agenda. International Law, Human Rights, Labor Rights, Privacy, it's really a nice piece of useless paper almost all countries of the world have signed on to.

I could write more, but it's not my medium, and hey what does it really matter if anyone says what they believe? We should all just sit back and watch 24 go to our parents church, or use another sanctioned spiritual product quietly while we buy shit we don't need, and use it quickly before it breaks or becomes obsolete, vote for who we are told.... Fuck that, if you too say fuck that to that, then I'm all for doing a little research first. Knowing about what we do and how it affects us is one of those things that I think makes us...... fuck more typing.

The Economist can be ok. I really liked a magazine I found a while back and read a some editions of called Covert Action Quarterly. It was awesome, maybe note "right" but awesome.

PS Cheney isn't Satan, he just has a time-share with him payed for by a life of corruption and yes graft. Can I prove it? No, but isn't his smile enough proof. PS2 tm. George definatly did cocaine. look it up. His non answers are blatent admissions. I for the record have not done cocaine, but I can't prove it.

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