Tut actually had 3rd circle spells last level. He now has 4 1st, 2 2nd, and 2 3rd as a 4th level druid. A wisdom of 17 gives him 2 bonus 1st, 2 bonus second and a bonus 3rd bringing his total to-
6 first, 4 second and 3 3rd level spells.
3rd level spells of note are call lightning, hold animal, summon insects, water breathing?, neutralize poison, cure disease, protection from fire, and that's it.
2nd level spells that should not be forgotten are
reflecting pool, flameblade, warp wood, charm person, barkskin, and well that is all if you are gutting heat metal.
on a side note I believe the DM is screwing pc's out of experience. I have kept detailed notes on the experience awarded and the monsters that have been fought. Taking into account the somewhat unconventional end of chapter and quest rewards this DM has traditionally used it seems that the players participating in this game have just cause to notify their regional RPGA representatives to lodge a formal complaint regarding their unjust experience rewards. It is clear that if the character known as Theodore has enough exerience to be a 4th level thief, which requires 5k exp, then he has aquired at least 10k exp overall. For the DM of this game to offer 4k to a regular player, as half earned experience, in and of itself warrants independant review.