The Year's Best Search Terms!
As part of the celebration, here is a list of the year's best search terms!
hurt ninjas
angriest badger
raistlin fanfiction
potion mixing
horse shit
teddy ruxpin
how to make 8-sided ninja stars
monks chanting to levitate stone
translate to english auf wiedersehen, sucka
roundknob lodge
love elemental
smack the kuo-toa
odin boner
pressure on gut-wound
initiation was gay
golem rapping to tune of slim shady
what is a fifth of booze?
black armor that was said to be impenetrable
bobcat sky lift
halberds for sale
My favorite: translate to english auf wiedersehen, sucka.
Um... translate 'sucka' to english?
I'd almost submit it to bOINGbOING, but we don't have any legos, so they will probably ignore it.
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