
have I read fiend folio, why look it's not but 2 feet away.

BTW it's weird but I have actually read the death knight in fiend folio within the past year jsut for shits when I was running my game. I still have the book right here so lets take a look at the fellow.

Ac 0
HD 9 (10 sided)
Treasure type NIL (fuck me)
MR 75% and if an 11 or lower is rolled the spell is reflected.
movement 12 unless they are encumberd.
they have an 18/00 strength.
cannot be turned.

there are only 12 death knights known to exist, and they are thougth to have been created by Demogorgon.
they have an 80% chance of having a magic sword.
they can summon a nightmare once every 10 years, so already we have some minor victory.
they shed fear in a 5' radius.
they can cast wall of ice (but not ice storm) at will.
innate detect magic and detect invisibility.
2x day dispel magic at 20th caster level.
2x a day it can summon a demon with a 75% chance of successs, results may vary.
once per day they can use each of the power words.
onc eper day it can cast a symbol of pain.
once per day it can cast a symbol of fear.
once per day they can cast a 20d fireball.
experience is 3700 plus 16 per hp.
kinda crappy exp for a guy who can do all that really, maybe thats why rob choose him.

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