
The most retarded feature

I love blogger as much as the next guy, but check it out. Go to the Map Stats page, see breakdown of referrer, or search phrase, or whatever, and you can get a little pie graph. Actually it's not little, it's a big ass pie graph. But here's the great thing. There are two little radio buttons so you can see either a 2D pie graph or a 3D pie graph. Retarded. Who programmed that?


Fuck Boing Boing

Boing Boing doesn't give a shit about our blog, so don't even bother. 8 Bit Theatre this ain't. No pictures, limited interest for the ADD-world-at-large. Speaking from personal experience. Lots of great game logs out there, all text, that are too tedious to read. Even one as charming and picturesque as ours, it's true.

Now get in there and post, damn it. Or some robots are going to smash you.

The Year's Best Search Terms!

As part of the celebration, here is a list of the year's best search terms!

hurt ninjas
angriest badger
raistlin fanfiction
potion mixing
horse shit
teddy ruxpin
how to make 8-sided ninja stars
monks chanting to levitate stone
translate to english auf wiedersehen, sucka
roundknob lodge
love elemental
smack the kuo-toa
odin boner
pressure on gut-wound
initiation was gay
golem rapping to tune of slim shady
what is a fifth of booze?
black armor that was said to be impenetrable
bobcat sky lift
halberds for sale

My favorite: translate to english auf wiedersehen, sucka.

Um... translate 'sucka' to english?

I'd almost submit it to bOINGbOING, but we don't have any legos, so they will probably ignore it.

Happy B-Day!

Happy Birthday to Descent into Depths!

We turned 1 this week! Kinda sick, huh?



the program I am talking about will capture any sound that is moving through your sound card. So if the computer is playing a song on a web site this program will capture it. If you want to capture the sound of the bong when you change the volume on your computer you can. It will record any sound your computer makes, whether it be a bong or a dvd sound track, or a song playing on a game you are playing. In short it's a program that captures any audio on your computer and is good for changing its format too. It's free.


If you're talking about editing/splicing/cut-n-pasting mp3s, I use Adobe Audition, which you can get a 30 day free trial of called Cool Edit, although you can't save mp3s under the trial version. One of the nice advantages to working where I work.

If you're not talking about that, I don't know what you mean by sound capturing... you mean like getting samples off of DVDs?

Marivhon the pirate

hey guys, I have been looking for a sound capture program and maybe you have too. If so I recommend audacity it's free and can capture anything your computer plays.

The dragon's treasure

If you want to hear the full-length version of Apprentice Steve's "song", just email me. There's some good stuff in there that didn't make it into the 2 min edit (myfilestash.com only allows 2 Mb uploads, the fuckers).

And of course, 'good stuff' depends on your definition of 'good', which is painted very broadly here.


Tap Wendy and Holly

Meanwhile, 'Wendy' and 'Holly' are sitting there being like, GOD that guy is such a loser, IMing his friends about his Magic the Gathering cards while we're hanging out. And then his friend posts the chatlog to a 'social board' related to his online Dungeons and Dragons game, for which he's the 'webmaster'. And then his other friend, who just so happens to be the 'Dungeon Master' (snicker), writes a snappy commentary about the posting of the chatlog.

Wendy, Holly- what's up, ladies? Did you know I'm a doctor?

(That was hilarious though.)


Just for the record: Ed still hasn't played my deck.

True tales of teenage terror: "How Joy Division saved my life!"

New weird study in the British Medical Journal (the U.K. equivalent of NEJM):


Well that's nice.



good stuff. wouldn't have found it without you Brogg


Click here kids

Permenent link for Brogg's obit. Too good, the 'survived by' part killed me.




Check out: http://youdied.com/

I submitted an Obit for Brogg. Dave, says that it should be up tomorrow.

Thanks, Dave!


Ian Curtis died for some of your sins

Jesus sings Love Will Tear Us Apart.


You just gotta believe!

New graphic

Hmmm . . . . Oh. Yeah, I get it now. I don't remember the Apostles drinking Mt. Dew with their pizzas, though.

Fun fact: 'loaves and fishes' was a mistranslation from the Greek for 'Anchovy Pizza'.

I wonder what happened to Mike the Zombie, and why that Death Knight cared? Mysteries? He would have gotten away too, if it wasn't for us meddling PCs.

The campaign I'm running is going well, and I get a new used car this weekend.


Who summoned a clay Golem, Brogg or Rob?!

My Clay Golem smacks Skullbones. AND, check your MM, Clay Golems take NO damage from non-blunt weapons.

-Did that Demon bring a hammer?

have I read fiend folio, why look it's not but 2 feet away.

BTW it's weird but I have actually read the death knight in fiend folio within the past year jsut for shits when I was running my game. I still have the book right here so lets take a look at the fellow.

Ac 0
HD 9 (10 sided)
Treasure type NIL (fuck me)
MR 75% and if an 11 or lower is rolled the spell is reflected.
movement 12 unless they are encumberd.
they have an 18/00 strength.
cannot be turned.

there are only 12 death knights known to exist, and they are thougth to have been created by Demogorgon.
they have an 80% chance of having a magic sword.
they can summon a nightmare once every 10 years, so already we have some minor victory.
they shed fear in a 5' radius.
they can cast wall of ice (but not ice storm) at will.
innate detect magic and detect invisibility.
2x day dispel magic at 20th caster level.
2x a day it can summon a demon with a 75% chance of successs, results may vary.
once per day they can use each of the power words.
onc eper day it can cast a symbol of pain.
once per day it can cast a symbol of fear.
once per day they can cast a 20d fireball.
experience is 3700 plus 16 per hp.
kinda crappy exp for a guy who can do all that really, maybe thats why rob choose him.


Is cinder dead at -21 hp?


The latest searches involve ZOMBIES

vrill the power of the coming race


Quick, check Google!!!!

Yeah, sorry Ed. But it was fun.

"pressure on gut-wound" -That was a search phrase that lead someone to DiD.

I can just imagine it. Tim and Bobby were playing with Dad's pistol, when... BLAM!

Oh, Bobby, you shot me!

Bobby has to think! What does he do? Elevate the feet? Apply pressure? Thinking quick, he boots up the PC...

We should make these search phrases into a coffee table book.


I regress.


I thought I'd spruce up the Table Talk page a bit.

I am writing a grant right now. It's somewhere between rolling up a new character and doing your taxes.

I just got a freeze-frame on Steve's eagle cam. That is, unless that Eagle can hold very very very still...