
getting old

I'm glad you brought it up Steve. I have thought about our group of friends a lot lately. I got to see a few of the boys a couple weeks ago, and it was fantastic.

There's nothing quite like watching some one younger than you do something you haven't or can't. I bought a house before Will did. But now, Karen just bought a house and I am now the only one in my family that doesn't own a home.

When I first started working out of college, I had a 19 year old coworker at the desk next to me. He dropped out of high school and said "Fuck You" to college because he was already making ninety grand as our Linux sys admin. I was making 35k with a bachelors degree at age 24... I was miserable about it as long as I kept comparing myself to him. I thought it would have felt so good if he was lonely or depressed or something. The reality was, he was a really cool guy and we are still friends. I was the one who was all fucked up in the head. I think Mark said it best... I needed to be "in my skin". I'm still not.

Is it cliche to say that this is life? We were pretty tight when we were younger. I still consider each of you close. I feel like if you showed up on my doorstep, you'd have a place to stay and food to eat as long as you needed. And I think you would do the same. Things change. In some ways it sucks. In a lot of ways, the changes in life are the best things.

I think the common link that many of us shared was education. Specifically, our parents were educators. Not one of them were power or money hungry business people. We were all raised on art, math, and politics. We argued philosphy at age 12. It's just what we did. There's no question that we had an unspoken value attached to higher education. What, a couple of PhD's, a couple bachelors, and hell, you have a Law degree and an accounting degree.

I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about... I don't even know what day it is.

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