
Its been a while

Hey all,

Sorry for not posting in the last few weeks - my life got crazy busy.

As Paul pointed out - "Too busy to post?" Well, yeah. Finals, two classes to prep for, too many papers to write, defense, beating up Paul's cat - it's been hectic.

Sigh. I was feeling like I was just kinda tagging along before my hiatus, not really much to say, but that's more about me and what's going on here than the adventure. Hello Airport sounded like a blast, and I wish I'd poked around a bit more, but . . . I dunno. I guess I went down to 'critical-only tasks' mode.

But now I'm back! I'm-a gonna catch up on what I missed, and maybe jack a guy in the face, and off we go.

And hey - Rob - you're doing a hell of a job here. I mean, you do it 'cuz you love DMing, and the world-building, and all of that. I know how it is, being a DM myself. But, let me restate that:

Rob's doing a hell of a job DMing this DiD stuff around. My not participating lately has in no way been because I've gotten skull-fucked - and really, the Fist of Odin kinda expects that sort of behavior from the deities - but 'cuz I've been crazy busy here.

That's it. Oh, except in a week I leave for an International Conference - the exicitng, jet-setting lifestyle of the Math Ed Grad Student! - so posting may be spotty there. We'll see about connectivity...


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