

It kind of blows that this is happening right at the climax of Brogg's quest, but I am going up north until the 7th. I am not sure if I will have any internet access until then.

For his part, Brogg does his best to do the Will of Grisbane. That means killing these unicorns, collecting their horns, and going back to Grettin and Shettin to report. Brogg wants more than anything to grind Andicorn's horn and do what is needed to get his extra Wisdom point. He is going to rely on Grettin and Shettin for more details.

After this quest, Brogg is up for anything.

Oh, and he always has a cautious eye out for that bastard Leuco.


Descent into Depths: Table Talk

You'll get the hang of it Marivhon. Just keep in mind, this is a mix of gaming and story writing. I guess that gaming is always part "story writing", but here even a bit more so, hence the PDF. Actually, I have dreams of us publishing some form of it someday.
On that note, if it isn't a bother, try to keep shorthand to a minimum. I'd hate to have to do so much reverse editing to keep it readable for a third party.

Nice double damage.

maybe the name of this blog could be changed to Table Talk Descent into depths

I posted here my combat actions because the blogger window seems to default to the last place you posted to. I will try to notice the ... instead of the ! but both blogs have very similar names. Rob I will try to be more concise I just don't want to slow things down and so I tried to state possible actions dependant on certain conditions. I can check to blog 2 times a day so I guess from now I I'll go more round to round.


ok thanks.

I will now drink that heal potion and I will attack.
"you hear that little pixie thats Brogg the Champion of Grisbane killing the King of Abominations."
BR 7 to hit. hrm
next round BR 20! to Hit damage 3 double 6 nice. if thats 5 over needed he's stunned too.

On Combat

Okay, so about this combat thing. I think you'll see you're getting just as much 'screen time' as the rest of the party. Maybe moreso now that you're solo adventuring in the crystal cavern. I mean, combat should be the easiest thing to do on the blog, just type:

Blogroll: 14 to hit the pixie. If that hits, I do (blogroll) 3 hp.

Notice how concise and unambiguous that post is. You don't have to make WI checks every time you want to tie your shoes or drink a potion. If you think you're being screwed, well, read back when Mike was magic missiled and made a zombie. Anyway, you ain't being screwed. As you'll see, the combat has been changed and you're still fighting the pixie (as I think you wanted). This happens all the time, not just to you. Also notice that one round, I just made Cinder fight. Cinder didn't log in and post it, I just went ahead and assumed it. If there was a problem with that, we could've changed it too.

Also, if you're not so good about checking the blog daily, try doing what Dave does, and queue a bunch of actions, with some contingency actions just in case things don't turn out.

In sum, I think it's a nonissue, but lemme know if you still ain't satisfied. And remember, 5 wisdom doesn't mean you have Down Syndrome. Just look at Mike the zombie. He's got a 0 wisdom, 13 hp, horrible attacks and AC, and always goes last. But he's a trooper! On the other hand, we could just raise your stats to monk minimum at leave it at that.

Descent into Depths: Table Talk

sure you don't want a rice crispy treat.
I must say that I felt totally screwed with my first involvement in combat. I think if you review the posts, you would find that I was ignored as far as how things played out for Marivhon with regard to my stated intent for my character. If you do read this DM I hope that you read my posts on the DiD site as carefully. Not trying to be a dick here but I am playing a monk with nothing going for him but my input. I will try to play him how he is, but please don't take my input away as well, as it is all I have going in this experiment.
I might as well mention I am drunk so if this comes off a bit hyper-dickish, if that is a word, I still like my DM and would not have him hanged, maybe just beaten a bit about the head and chest.

not marivhon

hrm. I think this is a good idea. If you want to keep the DiD in character then there needs to be a forum online for out of character comments.


Welcome to DiD Table Talk:

There has been quite a bit of table talk going around DiD lately: mechanics questions, out of game chatter, name calling, blog troubleshooting, and even the occasional outsider comment, so I thought that it might be nice to create a place for all things peripheral to DiD. I have left Comments Enabled and open to all, so that all those who wish to speak might have their chance. If you have anything to say, say it here.

Pass me another grilled cheese, eh?