

Dave, apparently Bungie are re-releasing Marathon for Xbox 360:


A quote from the QnA:

"Dual Shotguns, quite possibly the best weapon ever created."


Oh, and: http://www.gamevideos.com/video/id/13536



Hell yeah, that's... like a ninja star. Of Safety!


In Japan, one of the guys there was a ninja. No shit. Not one of the Japanese guys, the ninja guy was from Tel Aviv. He taught some people some ninjitsu.

I wondered though, why a professor would need to have ninja skills. Like, seriously, in real life, why the fuck are you a ninja?


I leave you with this.

Rabbit Bay

east a pastie for me... we shall miss Mr. Koeppel whilst he is away.


Not that things have been too active around here, but I am gone to the UP for a week.

Back on the 5th.




Savin your life

You could learn a thing or two about being a HERO

You guys think you're heroes, but you're not. Not compared to COASTIE the Coast Guard safety dog.

Look at those expressive eyebrows and miles of blank space.

Seat belts save lives?

"Whew, I'm glad I was wearing my SEAT BELT when the plane crashed! Might not be walkin' away from that one!" Maybe some air bags would be helpful for plane crashes too.


Random Haiku

You seem pretty smart
Perched high on a hilltop rock
Hand me that pistol

No More Science

My Scientist friends may appreciate


Fallout 3.

I wish I could, but it would be bad.

Tell me how good it is. Tell me about the cool parts.

On a similar topic, from xkcd:

My living room floor is currently covered in LEGOs.


head held high

I am proud of the fact that when you google "Radiant Leopard" with the quotes, the first three results are all DiD. Feel the fame! Love it!

Fallout? Fallout 3? What is this Fallout of which you speak?



I guess either you guys aren't reading the blog, or you didn't hear me the first time. In case it wasn't crystal clear:



Gaze upon these works, ye worthies, and REJOICE.



Wikipedia is pure comedy. Some people actually posted some stuff on the 'Discussion' page for the zither entry.

It's a mother fucking zither.

I wonder, DiD: what's the most retarded wikipedia page? Weighted by length of course... Richard Simmons and Teddy Ruxpin are about the same, retard-wise, but Richard Simmons wins because his page is a lot longer. In-fighting in the discussion page is bonus gold. Examine, if you will, the ongoing scholarly debate: Is Richard Simmons gay? Containing, for example, this gem:

"Obviously we can never know his (or anyone else's) real inner nature."

What's going on here

Hi DiD. What's going on?

In case you're wondering, the last movie I saw was the Harry Potter movie. I have this thing with my girlfriend where if Harry Potter dies in the last book, I have to read all the books back to back. Actually there was a hot chick in the movie. It's weird to admit, but I'm kind of interested in reading the books, honestly. Those two things don't really go together, I was just saying.

The last book I read was Ulysses. Long plane trip to Japan and all that. It's good, but I had to read some notes to figure out WTF was going on.

The song of the day is the Hot Chip remix of Cansei De Ser Sexy's "Let's Make Love and Listen to Death from Above". It's got like this awesome zither solo or something, I never heard anything quite like it.


Keith Olbermann lays into Bush in a special commentary last night on MSNBC.


Finally someone on the air has some balls. -Watch the video.



Eh, no biggie. People die in Korea all the time, is what I hear.

Actually, there is a D&D online game now, and I'm sure it's sweet.

Here it is: www.ddo.com I think.

If I had lots of free time and a bit of cash, I'd say sign on up, and I'd make a monk named Bronson who'd kick your fucking ass. It's all about 3.5E Grappling.


At least they didn't die playing like Harvest Moon online or something.


Fantastic PR for gamers

I'm not sure that the reporters have their story straight because they keep refering to Dungeons & Dragons, but they also talk about computer games... perhaps they are mixing WoW and D&D or something...

anyhow, read the nonsense.


And this one's for Dave, but anyone can share the love. It's the context that takes it beyond just mildly funny:


It's true




I love internet.


Back home. Gimme a couple days to get my head screwed back on, then we're back to our more or less daily scheduled DiDing.

Think hard about it.


Must see TV


Don't miss this one.



Saw Sicko yesterday. I just happened to be sick, too.

It's a must see. -However, it just confirmed what I already strongly suspected. 'For profit' medicine is bad as a entire system approach. -I agree that the wealthy should have the choice to buy better care. However, the other 97% or so need a better system.

I am a fucking hospital employee and last time I was sick and tried to schedule an appointment, they suggested I come in in 4 weeks. -I said I would either be better or dead by then. Three days later I waited 3 hours past my appointment time to see a doctor.

Gao Qi had a lot of dental work done last year. -Cost us 2k after insurance. Fuck anyone that says nationalized health care will raise taxes. 2k is a fucking big tax hike in my opinion. Also, I have to choose within a network. -No real freedom. Our health care system is a ridiculous tax. My Grandma pays $500 a month after insurance. 6k a year is a fucking big tax.

Gao Qi's brother owns a pharmaceutical distribution business. We visited my grandma last week. My grandma's prescription eyedrops cost her $50. The insurance company paid $150 beyond that. Goa Qi's brother laughed. He can get it for $1 in China. -Same manufacturer. Same exact product. -That's not subsidized either. That's the actual fucking value of a very standard hormone eyedrop. My grandma's $200 antibiotics? $0.50 in China. Free market value. No government subsidy. -You see, hospitals in China are allowed to price negotiate with pharmaceutical companies when they buy their drugs. We looked at about 10 more drugs and found the same disparity.

We are being fucking ripped off. Ripped off really, really badly.

Do you know how many cheap effective proven drugs are no longer used because they aren't profitable? It's insane. We are being given less-tested, more expensive drugs in their place just because of patents.

If my father wants to buy a latex catheter tube (about 5 cents of rubber), it costs him $20 for one.

Fuck our healthcare system. Fuck it in the bum.

It only wants my cash. And I have no options.

I am sick of feeling like everyone wants my fucking money. I am sick of having to fight just to get treated well. -Can't even choose my goddamn internet provider. Fuck this false capitalism. Free market my ass.


to post or to wait? that is the question

I thought we were in a holding pattern while the DM was overseas... but then >poof< there's a stardevil...

I imagine the other posters are waiting to hear anything official from the other side of the pacific. or maybe they have just ditched us for their girlfriends... can't really blame them.


Microsoft Virtual Earth and Google Earth side-by-side.

MVE has some zooms GE doesn't.